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~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

I stepped on my porch and turned the door knob. My heart started to hurt for no reason at all. I pushed the door open and quickly ran to my room.
I heard faint yelling and I went to the bathroom and closed the door quietly. I locked it.
I sat against the wall with my knees against my chest and my hands clutching my ears. I tightened my grip and my eyes. Water slipped past my eyes. I stood up when the yelling calmed and looked into the mirror. I saw my tear burnt checks. I looked at my hands and then back at the mirror.

"Why...why can't things change?" I say to myself.

I begin to take my clothes off and turn on the water and felt the burning water peirce my skin.

"I wish I could feel this warm..." I say to the silence again.

I sat in the tub with my knees against my chest and I rested my head on my knees and hugged my knees.

After the shower I crept to my room and noticed that the house was eerily silent for only 5:58pm.

I looked down the stairs and saw the orangish sunset fill the emptiness.

I walked in my bedroom and fell on my bed. I took out my homework and stared at the page. I tightened my grip and threw my work across the room. I grabbed my mp3 player and plugged in my headphones and laid on my bed. I put on some music to fit the mood and closed my eyes. I drifted to sleep.

~Kyle's p.o.v ~
When I woke up I looked at the time, it read 5:49am.

It was before my alarm.

I sighed.

I tried to go back to sleep but my body was already awake.
I sighed again and got out of bed. I grabbed my uniform and headed for the bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me and stripped myself and turned on the water. I laid in the tub and let the water bury my body. I started to cry.

"I wish I can feel this warm" I mumble

An hour later I got out of the shower and dried my hair, then put my uniform on. I fixed my hair and headed back to my bedroom.

6:33 am

I grabbed my backpack an headed downstairs.

I smelled something horrible. I drifted towards the sent which led me to the kitchen.

I dropped my bag when I walked in the kitchen.

Tears started streaming down my checks.

6:34 am


Kinda cliffhanger but whatever. Well sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer. Well don't have anything to say so see ya tomorrow when I update.

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