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~Kyle's p.o.v still~
~after summer vacation ~

We spent all summer getting to know each other more and spending every minute we get with each other.

School started tomorrow. We went school shopping and by the time we got home it was already 8:55pm.

I was the first one to go to sleep while Johnnie was taking a shower.

~The next day~

My alarm went off and I turned it off. I grunted while stretching and got out of bed. I walked over to Johnnie's room and he was still sleeping. I headed downstairs and started to make some breakfast.
Not long after I heard Johnnie come downstairs and into the kitchen.

~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

I walked behind Kyle and wanted to wrap my arms around his waist but didn't. I wanted him to stay with me. So I just sat at the table and asked flirtly

"What's for breakfast?"

He giggled and replied flirtly

"French toast"

"Are you flirting?" I teased

"You started it!" He teased

We were silent till he said

"I hope we get the same classes"

He put the toast on the plate and put it on the table. We were still silent until I asked

"What do you want to drink?"
"No you sit I'll get the drinks" he persisted

We went silent again. While we ate I checked the time.

"It's 7:00"

He swollowed and said


I finished eating first and rinsed my dishes and left them in the sink for after school. I headed upstairs and put on my uniform and did my hair.

When I finished my hair I heard Kyle walking down the stairs.

"Kyle? " I called

He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Why are you being so quiet? You are usually so happy and energetic!" I exclaimed

He turned back around and said

"It's nothing"

He swung his hood on and continued walking down the stairs. I heard him open the door and slam it behind him.

I put my earphones in my ears and played some music.
I walked out the door and locked it behind me.

Half way to school the song sang

"You stole my heart and met the world.
Now your just a ghost, and I'm a chore.
And I'm afraid that I'll never sing of love!
So sick of never being good enough!
Will someone take my...sooouuulll,
So I don't have to be afraid that I will die alone."

These lyrics flashed at me and made me think of Kyle. I began to drown in my thoughts and it took over me, making me sad again.

"What if these lyrics are true...what if Kyle doesn't like me even though he flirted with me...what if I never sing of love...what if I die alone..." the thoughts kept swimming in.

When I snapped back to reality I was in class already.

"Johnnie! Johnnie! "
Someone yelled

"Huh?!" I exclaimed

I was in class.

"Go to the office!" The teacher snapped while trying to keep calm.

I got up and walked towards the door.

At the office the principal gave me a detention.

The Hidden Love (Kohnnie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now