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Tears started streaming down my checks.


The horrible sent increased and it was unbareable. I choke holding back my puke and gripped my uniform and put it up to my nose. My tears made my shirt wet and I ran out. I quickly ran back and grabbed my backpack and stopped to stare at momma.

She was the only one who I cared about...

More tears ran down my checks. I threw my backpack on my back and ran out of the house.

"I can't go back...I mustn't go back...I'm sorry momma...I'm couldn't do anything...I'm hope you are in a better place...but I won't go back..." I think to myself while running.


I kept running blindly.

*cars swerve* * crashing cars*

I opened my eyes doubting everything I know and did. This happened because if me.

I heard faint ambulance sirens coming closer. My vision blurred and then darkened to blackness.


~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

I was walking to school and saw there was a car crash up ahead. Nothing new happens around here.
I walked closer and saw that there was someone out side of the accident but laying on the road. I ran up to the person and it was Kyle!

"Oh my god!" I screamed

I called for the ambulance officer and he raced over towards me. He picked up Kyle and rushed him to an ambulance and another ambulance came rushing.

I asked

"Can I come along?"

He nodded and let me sit in the back with Kyle.

At the hospital they rushed Kyle to the second floor, I followed along worryingly.

"Can you wait out here?" A doctor politely asked

I nod and sat down on the chair in the hall.

The hallway grew cold, dim and silent. A nurse came by and stopped.

"I would call my parents if I were you. Just because you're in a hospital doesn't mean you're safe!" She said snobby

I started to panic and ran down to the first floor and used the phone.

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hello?" The voice mocked

"Can you tell my parents that I'm at the hospital?" I asked

" Sure I can! I'll tell them just for you dear! " the unfamiliar voice spoke in a deep tone.

I hung up and had chills crawling down my back. I raced back upstairs and the doctor came back out from the room.

"How is he?" I asked eagerly

"He's ... alright" the doctor studdered

"Can I see him?" I asked eagerly again

"He's in pretty bad condition" the doctor spoke worriedly.

My expression changed and bolted into the room. The door closed. Without the heart monitor beating the room would have been haunting silent.
I walked over to the bed where Kyle laid. I started to cry.

Half of his face was scratched and bandaged. The blanket was covering his whole body up to his chest bones.

I looked at the checkboard and it said that he was in a coma. More tears formed in my eyes.
I looked back at Kyle. I sat on the seat next to his bed and crossed my arms on the edge of his bed and buried my face in the center and sobbed quietly.

~Johnnie's dream ~
~At night~

I shot up and noticed I was still at the hospital. I went to stand up but was caught by something gripping my hand. I looked and saw Kyle's hand gripping mine. His grip tightened. I looked at his eyes and his one eye that was showing was staring dead at me.

"Why weren't you there?! This is all your fault! Why...why did you let this happen?! Only if you have had stopped me from going home! This wouldn't have happened!" He spoke quietly and started to get louder and raspy.

I pulled loose and ran to the door.

"Don't leave me Johnnie. . ." I heard Kyle softly speak

"You're my only only family...stay with me...don't leave me...I need you..." he added

I squeezed my eyes shut and spoke softly

"I'm sorry..."

Then bolted through the door. The hallway was a dull grayish blue. It was eerie. I started to head to the stairs to get out of here, but was met with a lot of other spirits. They were circling me and I ran back in Kyle's room. I slammed the door and ran to the bathroom. I locked it and sat in the corner. I was tightly grabbing my ears and tightly closing my eyes.

"This isn't's all a nightmare..." I repetitively whispered to myself.

Tears streamed down my face as my grip increased. I began to rock back and forth and spoke faster.

I tightened my stance and and pulled my hair. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head and I shaked while slowly crouching into a ball.

I screamed


~End of dream~

I shot up and saw I was in the bathroom. I looked around and slowly walked to the door.

"Are you alright?" Voices echoed from behind the door.

I unlocked it and slowly opened it.

"OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED?!" One nurse asked

Apparently to her description my eyes were in shock and I had a hand print almost in printed on my wrist and my hair was sticking out from around my ears and my checks were stained with tears, while some tears remained. She brought me to the exit of Kyle's room but I stopped and d ducked under her arm and ran to Kyle.

She walked over to me and brought me to the exit. I did the same thing over again until she got the police to carry me out. The put me in the back of the car and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked



They didn't answer.

I sat for the ride and we finally approached a big building. They brought me out and pushed me in the doors.
The police explained everything and one of the guys brought me into a bigger room that had a lot of people in it and pushed me in a cell. I turned around and asked

"Is this prison?"

"HAHA no you are to young for prison. This is a metal institution for insane people." He explained

"But I'm not insane!" I spoke firmly

"Prove it!" He teased

"I will!" I persisted

He grabbed me and and put me in this weird room.

~time skip~

He found out that I wasn't insane and called the police to bring me back to the hospital.

I continued to stay either Kyle.

The Hidden Love (Kohnnie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now