One with the Beast Chapter 2

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School was actually going really well, my first week is over and I had made quite a lot of friends. I am now really close with the Boys, they have been looking after me when Rose has not been around.  The classes have all been generally good except Gym. My first lesson in gym was horrible. They have Mr Garris as the teacher and he is the devil himself. Well… he is red as the devil… and sweaty as well. I got lost and could find no one to give me directions so by the time I got to the gym I was late. He just stood there seething at me for what seems forever until he barked at me to sit down. I quickly scampered to where the boys where sitting. Ed and Pat quickly made room for me and I dived and hid between them. “Satan. Is that you?” I whisper to the boys causing them to snort and quickly pretend to be coughing when Mr Satan looked this way. “so boys, what are we doing?” I ask as everyone starts to get up. “Dodgeball!” they all yell in unison and hi five each other. I groan but grin at the same time. I am excited because I have never played but also worried at the same time. “I am so going to get hit in the face!” I groan at them as they tug me to a court. “ You know what, I’m just going to hide behind you.” I declare as I got ready next to Ed. He just flashed a grin at me and got set against the wall. “GO!” yelled Mr Garris and all hell broke loose. I don’t really know the rules and suddenly everyone was running. I just stood there in shock until I saw ball fly fast my head. “Aghh! Ed!” I yell trying to see him amongst all the people. Gently a ball rolls to my feet. I quickly pick it up and use it as a shield. Looking at the other team there is about 6 people still on court including Chayton. He catches my eye. An evil grin begins to grow across his face. “Umm” I say looking around whilst dropping my ball. There are only 2 more people left on my team besides from me.

Chayton grabs two balls and easily gets my team mates out. I am the only person left! But Chayton only has two balls. It’s one against one since the other 4 got out. I can actually hear my team groaning. Suddenly Chayton has a ball and sends it flying my way. I close my eyes. ‘Whomp.’ I look down. I CAUGHT THE BALL! CHAYTON IS OUT!

Chayton is looking at me in shock whilst I just stare at the ball in my hands. “GO ANNA!” Ed booms from the sidelines. Everyone begins cheering and I start to grin. Suddenly I am being picked up and everyone is cheering my name. Though some people don’t know my name so they are cheering “NEW GIRL!” but you know, thought that counts.

When I finally get put down, I see everyone just looking confused at Chayton. I sidle over to him and ask “Have you ever lost before?” he looks at me and grunts  “No.” I start to grin “So you got beaten by a girl… who has never played before?” He glares at me but I can see the corners of his mouth begin to lift up. “So would you say, I have got the skills?” I say mock serious. “No.” he says and then in one fluid movement picks me up and puts me over his shoulder whilst laughing. “HEY!” I say laughing whilst struggling to get out of his hold. “Put me down Chayton! I’m not sorry for beating your ass!” I yell laughing as he starts carrying me out of the classroom. I lift myself up off of his shoulder so I practically horizontal and see the guys walking behind us chuckling. “Help?” I said whilst giving them the puppy dog eyes. They all just shook their heads, grinning. “What are you good for then!” I say jokingly and then I am suddenly put down. We are in front of the girls change rooms and I start to grin. “Obviously not dodge ball!” I say and then quickly sprint into the change rooms before they can grab me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE!

Fun Chapter! don't worry the real stuff is coming soon!


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