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This story is based on The legend of Korra and the Pro-bending fights.
But again, it's based on my idea of the zodiac-sign elements.

The Elemelons (Team 1):
Water: Ant
Earth: Fearne
Fire: Stephen
Air: Dec

The Seasons (Team 2)
Water: Lisa
Earth: Ashely
Fire: David
Air: Simon

The Weaselz (Team 3):
Water: Naomi
Earth: Jimmy
Fire: Louis
Air: Amanda


"He's striking him with a flame twice as big as him! Simon swiftly slides to the left, escaping Stephens fire just in time.
Fearne attacks Simon with a rock to the side while he's off guard, sending him swimming."
"The Seasons are down one man and are left with water, fire and earth!"
"Meanwhile Ashley is firing at Dec, trying to make him trip. The new boy in the ring is keeping up pretty well. Oh! He hit back with a spiral, flinging her to the ground. That looked painful! It doesn't look like she's gonna stand up that quickly."
"Ant is sending waves over to Lisa, who looks like she's trying not to drown there. He froze her body up to her shoulders, but she's shrugging that attack right off..not watching Fearne who is sending another stone in her direction, supported by Decs wind. She's flying off the podium, trying to hold onto it, but the obvious pain in her side is making it hard for her. Ooh! She let go! The Seasons are down to only two people."
"The Elemelons are brilliant this evening!"

The Elemelons won the fight that evening, but not without some scratches and wounds for themselves.
Ashely had her revenge on Dec with two stones, kicking him off the platform.
She did the same to Stephen, but the second one lightly touched his neck and he had to be rushed to the hospital, while Ashley got disqualified for the rest of the fight.
So in the end it was David against Ant and Fearne. Needless to say that David's fire didn't do much against the two.

Originally The Elemelons started out as a joke, that's why the name sounds so silly, but then they won against every single Team they played against and things got more serious. Now it's too late to change the name. And they didn't even want to if they were 100% honest.

They all went to visit Stephen after they took a shower and put on some new clothes. The doctors were already done with the healing part and now all their friend needed was to fully recover.

"So how are you feelin, trooper?"
Fearne asked, smiling softly as she sat down on the chair for visitors. Dec and Ant just stood at the end of the bed, looking at their friend.
He cracked a tired smile as he looked up at the three.

"I've felt better, let me tell you..."
Everyone let out a small chuckle, trying to make light of the situation.

"Our next fight is in two you think you'll be able to fight? ...We'll be disqualified if we don't...take part.."
"I think his health is more important than the competition right now!"
Fearne stated angrily, looking at the two best friends.

"Of course it is! It's just that there's a lot of money to win...we could move together...start a family. You could finally move together as well and you could finally pay the money for your father, Fearne!
There is so much more depending on our victory! ...I mean Ants mum started talking to him again, just because he entered the competition two months back..!"
Fearne didn't answer anymore. She knew how much it meant to the boys to finally have their own house...and the money would help all of them so much...

"I'll be fine, guys! Don't worry. Two days is more than enough for me to recover. They've pretty much done all the healing now anyways. I'll be back on my feet in no time."
Stephen smiled, trying to lighten up the mood again.

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