Turn back time

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"Let's turn back the clock. To our first time...the first time we met.
It was on set and I was sitting in a corner. I didn't know anyone, so I didn't bother talking much. We looked at each other a few times, but didn't really exchange words.
We didn't do anything until our characters became friends really.
Soon after we decided to start our 'music career' and landed a great his with Let's Get Ready to Rhumble.

After deciding music just wasn't for us we started acting. And to this day we still...well, kind of are.
But then we started presenting.
Pop Idol, I'm a Celebrity, Britians got Talent...
We got more and more popular. We even wrote a book.

And now...now we're "married" to two of our best friends, because ITV won't let us tell the world about us.
If we'd come out, there would be drama. And they couldn't bother with something stupid like that.

We've been engaged for 15 years now and couldn't get married, because of the fear of homophobic viewers.
I often thought about just leaving, you know...just living a normal life, adopting a kid or two. Name them Benjamin an Edda.
Just life our own lives for once. Just us two.."
Dec had teary eyes, looking at his partner in front of him.

"If I could start again, Ant...if we could start again, I would. I wouldn't hide. I'd come out immediately...tell everyone how in love I am.
I'd love two children and I really like the names."
Ant smiled, taking his fiancés hands.

"I'm not done yet..!
I'm telling you all of this, because I want to re-new that promise we made 15 years ago. And I finally want to make this reality..
So...will you, finally, marry me?"
"Of course I will! I'm done hiding! Our contract is gonna run out after this series anyway! Either they take us with the decisions we make, or we leave...and probably get fired anyway.."
Both men laughed.

"That's my boy..!"


~343 words

Thank you for reading all of my stories thus far. I am happy, that you all seem to enjoy everything that I post.
I wrote all of these over two months, so I only had to type them into my phone/computer and upload them.
Sadly, I've run out of already prepared stories.
So you'll have to wait a bit, before the next chapter will be uploaded, so I'll have a bunch ready again.
I hope you are okay with this and I apologize for making you wait.

Thank you for reading this and (hopefully) understanding.
Now would also be a good time to apologize for any mistakes I made. English is not my first language, but I enjoy learning it very much.

Again, thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one!

Bye! ^__^

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