Episode 2 Scene 4

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The song was not new to me. I am sure, that song was not new to her as well. However, it was all timing that played a game here. Both of us did not speak on that.

Beautiful moments are often not-spoken but just felt. That is the beauty!

We sat on a table number 65. She ordered Cheese cake while I just ordered Cold coffee. Now, it was a great time to skip a moment from her, go to the Wash room and check what I had in my wallet.

A younger waiter just passed by me.

Excuse me! Could you please show me a way to Wash room? I asked. He showed me a way but didn't miss the chance to give her a quick look.


I went to the wash room. I looked really messed up-unmanaged beard. I took out my wallet and checked if I had some thousands. Thank god! I had four thousand plus. It gave me little confident. I looked at the mirror. Suddenly I looked good. I don't know if that few thousands played some trick, but I started humming some English songs and then made sure that I washed my face before I go out.

I came outside just to see that what we ordered had already come. We started on our food. People say when you share food, you love more. I don't believe on that non-sense.

You share because you care!

We talked. There was nothing interesting so mentionable then. However, I made sure that I smiled and listened to her chitchats.

Gentlemen call it courtesy!

Shall we go now? She asked.

OK, I said.

I requested the waiter for the bill and he brought a bill with masalas. I insisted her that I would pay this time. She agreed.

Even I would have agreed had she insisted me. But, she didn't. So, I couldn't.

We went to the parking lot. I paid parking charge for both the bike and the scooter. However, she always approached to pay her part. I loved that attitude.

Nothing is as attractive as independent girl who stands for herself.

Her scooter was parked in between a R15 and a scooty pept. I looked at her while she was struggling to take her scooter out from the parking space.

May I? I asked for permission.

She stepped few steps back, bowed her head, crouched just little bit and with her hand she gestured that I might help her.

While she did so, her hair fell right on her face.

As she lifted her head, she managed her hair which had covered her face. The sound that her bangles made when she had managed her hair and then her smile which followed immediately- Something you will fall in love with. .

What time is it, Anjil? she asked.

1:20 pm. I said.

We were here on 8:30 am, right? She enquired.

Ya! True. I said.

Damn! I forgot to call my friends and tell them that it was a date and will be home late.

My phone was on silent and as expected there were 6 missed calls from my friends and a gross message. I replied them saying that I would be home soon and sent a wink emotion. The message was instantly replied and that was way too gross to share publicly.

My friends are awesome but they are gross.

We were about to go back to home when she asked me a quizzical question. She asked me something I always wanted to ask but couldn't. The only hesitation I had was if that would make me look like an old generation guy who is less forward.

Anjil! Do you really think that I got with you this close just because I met you in petrol pump? She enquired.

Omg! Is she my sisters' friend? Did anyone made this whole plan to trick on me? Does this whole thing make me look desperate now?

Series of question clouded my mind.

I suddenly felt something burning in my chest and it vanished. I often feel so when I get afraid.

What do you mean? Where do you know me from then? I enquired.

She winked and smiled. She went forth and started her scooter.

Let's see who reaches first! And yes about that question, I will tell you the answer tomorrow, she said.

She started her scooter and drove just a meter ahead. She looked back at me. It gave me a reminder of her when I had seen her in petrol pump-A girl fully masked with her shawl, loaded helmet and only eyes to talk to.

I was instantly lost somewhere.

She left me with another puzzling question.

Where must have she met me before? I tried to remember but couldn't.

She started her scooter and drove out from my sight hastily.

She wanted to win me on this race but I did not care.

She had already won me!


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