"Where did you hear that from??" She laughed. My ears were stung. Stung by Cupid, her laugh was angelic. Damn. I really can't get enough of her now. What has gotten into me?

"A reliable source." I laughed back.

"So." I stood up, both of my hands behind my back, unlike earlier where in I was hiding something with one hand. "Tis a farewell for the both of us. Let's celebrate, Luce!" I wrapped one arm around her shoulders and she placed her hand on my chest, leaning on my and giggling.

"Whatever you say! Cheers  then!" She said, grabbing the wine bottle and raising it up. "Oh, I'll get the cups. Too bad Mira already went back to the guild." I chuckled at her statement.

"She's not at the guild, she's in the basement, watching some series...I forgot the name...Steven Universe? Vague, but anyway, don't disturb her when she's watching something, she'd go wild."

She paused for a while with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Alright then, I'll take your word for it." Then she left with the door slightly open. After a while I dropped the smile and let the flush cheeks out.

She really is lovely. I can't believe this is our last day together, after this she'll be free to do whatever she wants and I'll be back in the guild...living my usual sepia-like life. I almost don't want this to end. Without noticing it, I started to drink the wine by myself, not bothering to wait for her.


I grabbed two wine glasses and took a different brand of wine from the shelves, probably my favorite one since it's the first one I've tasted before. I tried to open the bottle but it took me a while before I could successfully open it, when I did, I went straight up, having a slow and steady pace since I might drop the glasses and the open wine bottle. As I opened the door I saw Natsu lying on the bed, the empty wine bottle in his hand.

"Natsu!" I called, but he didn't reply. I walked to him and clicked my tongue. "You went on a head without me, you really can't wait that long?" I asked but why bother to, he seems to be a sleep already.

"Ahh, haha! Luce, I really can't take it you know...Oh wow, I miss this! Chicken?? Really??" Natsu said as he slowly sat up, very wobbly as his face represented a drunk man. But...is this really Natsu? I giggled a bit. He seems like a kid. I went in front of him and crouch down to his level, face-to-face with him.

"You're cute, Natsu." I laughed. He wouldn't hear this so it's fine if I say a small compliment. He brushed my bangs away with his large warm hand, smiling happily with his drunk blushing cheeks.

"Nope! 'You're' cute...oh wait, no you're beautiful." He laughed a bit.

"You're really drunk." I retorted with a smile. I went to grab the glass and drink my own share of the wine and also one for him even though it seems as if he's already had enough.

"Here." I offered him a glass of my favorite whine. He looks like he's calmed down now.

"So," I started and took a sip. "After this it's bye-bye, huh?" I lowered down my grammar so I could talk to him easily.

"Yeah! After this you'll be free else where and I'll be back at the guild. I can finally leave this annoying mission. We'll be separating tomorrow so let's pack our things." He sounded a bit normal and seems like he just took a sip of wine with his tone, but it didn't matter since the words I noticed are 'you'll be free else where' and 'we'll be separating tomorrow'.

It was fun having to work with him in this mission. A short span of time, but he was like my best friend, he's really close to me now. But what he said, it's as if he's saying that after this we'll never see each other and he's finally rid of me, but I try not to think too deep into things.

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