Chapter 11: A sip to his personal addiction.

Start from the beginning

She angled her head. “You don’t like him.”

He shifted, making their way towards her next class. “I don’t.”


Zachary only shrugged, grinning down at her. “Because, it’s what big brothers do.”

She was about to say something, when the bell rang. “Oh here your go baby girl. Talk to you later.”

Crimson made her way inside the Chemistry class. Some are already in their seats, it looks like they are paired by partners. She walks towards the empty table at the very center, it was the only available spot and it seems no one wants to seat there.

When she made herself comfortable, someone immediately placed their bag on the table. Crimson tap the person’s back. “I’m sorry, are you occupying this table?”


“Victor!” She was surprised to see him again, it’s been so long since the last time she saw him.

“My, my sweet cheeks. Are you the one occupying this table? It seems empty when I saw this table.” Victor ask her.

Shaking her head, she said. “Oh no, I haven’t been attending this class.”

Amusement flash in his eyes. “Skipping are we? I thought you were a good girl.”

“N-no, I have reasons you know.” She said, crossing her arms. Trying to intimidate as could be.

“Oh really?” He sat in the chair beside her. “Were the same then?”

“A good girl?”

He looked at her, his eyes blinking, when suddenly he burst into uncontrollable laughter. She started to panic, they might get into troubled if the teacher caught them goofing around inside his class. When she looked around and saw that the teacher hadn’t yet arrived, she breath a sigh of relief.

“Are you done yet?” She asked him, seeing that he’s catching his breath.

“That was priceless sweet cheeks, what I meant was were the same because lately, I haven’t been attending school.”

“Skipping are we? I thought you were a good boy?” she mimicked, emphasizing the last part.

He rested his chin on his hand, his brown eyes cheerful.

“So were partners, I suppose?”

She paused for a while, looking deeply in his eyes. “Do I have a choice?”

That made him laugh again. “No can do sweet cheeks. You stuck with me this whole year.”

And that’s when the teacher started to arrive, at least she has someone she knows in class. Not bad at all.


The first week she was in school, she did some basic things. The second week, she was absent the whole week and this time, she has no excuse not to attend gym class.

It’s not like she doesn’t like gym.

It’s more on, the sports don’t like her. She’s not good at it. Not at all.

Seeing all the students are dressed in white shirts and red shorts with the school logo. They are cluttered around the gym, some are seating in the bleachers, some look bored and while other are just playing around.

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