Chapter 17: Please don't leave me.

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Chapter 17: Please don’t leave me.


“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard, we’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me… every day.”

California was sitting on the floor with a comforter wrapped around her and a box of tissues that is ready at her disposal. Her gazed shifted towards the boy that was seated at her side.

Victor’s body was sprawled over the sofa, making her occupy the little space that was left to her. He has already been sleeping for quite a while now.

Heaving a sigh, she returned her attention on the movie that was playing on her television. It became an argument earlier between Victor and Cali on what kind of movie they will watch. Victor preferred something like a mystery and she agreed with it but since Cali pleaded with them with matching crocodile tears, they gave up and allowed her to choose. But what they didn’t expect was the movies Cali bought with her.

Thus making Victor loose interest in the movie and while she felt like she was being tortured with every intimate scene of the actors.

Crimson began to think if Sebastian will still want her the way Noah wants Allie. She wants what these two people have, the love, the passion and the acceptance. It was what Noah said in the movie. It won’t be easy.

That she believed, she and Sebastian will work this out, because it won’t be easy.

Leaning on the couch, her attention went back to the movie. She doesn’t want to watch this romance movie anymore; Crimson was long for someone.

She was longing for his attention, his touch, searching for his presence and waiting for his arrival. Crimson was tired sitting here in a room, with Cali’s crying, with Victor’s dull presence and an annoying movie. 

“I’ll grab some drinks in the kitchen.” Crimson stood up, not even bothering to look behind her since she knows Cali heard her but the attention wasn’t there.

Grabbing some drink, she stared over the window. It was already dark outside and the guys have been gone for a quite a while now and she’s getting suspicious with the way they were acting.

What is it with them that it seemed like they were keeping something from her?

She recalled what her dad said last time, that their family were a team. But why is it that Zachary seemed like he’s always on alert and Dylan is tensed.

Is there something happened in the Moonlight pack that they started to act strange? Does it involve Sebastian’s pack?

Thinking about it, she needed to see Sebastian.

Not tomorrow, not later but now. She will take the matters in her hand, and she will see to it that this time, Crimson will have his attention.

Her attention lingered outside, Sebastian warned her from before.

That she should never go outside, especially if she’s alone.

He would be angry if she does this, but she is willing to risk everything. Her family could scold her later, she doesn’t care about what they think, because right now she only wants to see a particular Alpha, who keeps on hiding from her.

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