Blue jeans, a black shirt that hugged his warrior body perfectly and some combat boots. His hair messy and a little shadow on his face.

"Morning Leslie, Milan" said Marius as he joined us, giving us both a hug.

"Morning Marius, is Marcus and Melanie here?" Asked Milan looking around, his beanie covering his brunette hair. He had some black jeans, a blue long sleeved shirt, the black beanie and his black vans.

"Yeah they are in the play room. They should be playing Mortal Kombat" he said with a known expression. Milan just fluttered and started to run inside.

"Can't believe they started without me" he shouted, as his voice started to withered away. I just shook my head, while chuckling.

"He is the exact same copy of your father when he was younger" Marius commented as he looked back.

"Oh don't worry mom says it all the time. Are they here yet?" I asked him. He knew what I was referring to cause he shook his head slowly.

"The only ones inside are Jack, Dustin, Mimmi and Sebastian. Hector and the others are at the hall outside of the meeting room".

"I'm noticing your giving Sebastian some importance" I said referring to one of the wolves that made me company that rainy night the rogues attacked. He was a good warrior, definitely swift in his skills.

"He has what it takes to be at the top five. Who knows maybe he can be Rank #Z when he gets my age" he smiled as we were walking inside. Warriors and trackers were doing their patrolling jobs entering and going out of the house.

"Well he has proven to be a good wolf this days, he already is in the top ten. That's excluding the top five and yourself".

"I'm keeping a look to him, training him if I can" he said as we arrived the second floor. Quickly I saw Hector and the other warriors on the hall. They bowed to us for acknowledgement.

"I need a favor from you four, when Alpha Dayton arrives, I need you to escort them here is that ok?" I asked, they nodding no doubt.

"Sure we'll do Alpha" said Hector confidently.

I gave my thanks and we went inside, as Marius opened the door.

As soon as I entered, the ones inside looked.

"Oh its just her, how are you her?" Jack joked, as ever. Never getting serious with the situation. He had a white jacket, a black polo shirt, some grey shorts and black converse. His black hair messy.

"Good to see you too him, is everything good him?" I used it against him, earning a big hug from him.

"Yeah I'm good, did you sleep?"

"Barely" was my answer. To tell the truth I was exhausting. From having those dreams, to what happened yesterday, to jogging and having that sensual encounter with Dayton.

"Well you look quite lovely for being tired" Dustin said to me with a grin in his face. I just waved my hands like I was flattered.

I had white formal pants, with a red buttoned up shirt, a black coat and red low heel boots. My blonde hair was completely free of restrictions, and I just put a little bit of make-up. Just some lip gloss, base and mascara. Done.

"Ah I'm flattered when some one notices" I joked hugging him tightly.

"How are you Dus?" I said to him, I haven't talked to him since our last conversation. I just hoped he didn't felt down. He was wearing some black jeans, a black jacket showing his chest a little and some black sneakers.

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