The Eagle and the Owl ~Aries x Virgo

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Requested by: Daughter_of-Athena

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"Once upon a time, before man existed and before dinosaurs came into life, once lived an eagle and an owl. The eagle represents freedom and bravery, its feathers shone brightly from the summer sun. And the owl represents wisdom and fierceness, it can hunt its prey during night time where no one could see anything. They are both majestic creatures—"

"Just get on with the actual story Virgo!" Aries complained to the older boy sitting next to her. Virgo glared at the brunette and crossed his arms. "Anyway...."

I shook my wings and opened them. It was golden brown and it shone brightly since the summer sun was up. I took off and soared through the sky, searching for my breakfast and luckily I found a rat  digging up the dirt near a cave. There were tall trees scattering around the forest, and I landed on the branch near the rat. I stared at the rat whom still didn't notice my presence, and I was thankful.

I flew up the sky and soared in circles around the rat on the ground. I began to circle down and grabbed the rat using its neck. It squeaked and struggled to loosen my grip from its neck, which I'll unlikely do since I really need to eat. "Stop struggling rat! This is the circle of life, so shut up and let me eat you!" I scolded.

"Aries! Aries! It's me, Sagittarius! Put me on the ground, now! I hate you so much right now!" It said. My eyes widened and quickly landed on a rock below the river. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Sag! I didn't notice you! Wait, why are you so dirty? Your white fur is so.... brown?" I apologized.

"It's called soil or dirt, which do you prefer? You're so dumb, you need lessons from Virgo!" Sagittarius said while drinking from the water that was coming from the river below us. I narrowed my eyes, "Virgo? That owl guy? Yeah right, I don't need lessons from him!"

Sagittarius looked up curiously but looked down when I glared at her. "Next time you know it, you don't even recognize the trees' name anymore! Look, what's the tree name over there?" She asked. I looked at the tree she was pointing at and squinted, "Uh. I don't know...? Is it... a Mango tree?" I answered.

Sagittarius choked over her water and I looked at her funny, "What?" I asked. She shook her head and lied down beside me. She began to laugh and I glared at her, "What?!"

"A Mango tree? Really? Aries, we're in a forest! Although there's some at the middle but it's called a Pine tree, dumbhead!" She laughed. "Oh. Yeah, you're right, I need lessons from Virgo." I shook my heard embarrassingly. "Here, let me guide you to him. He's quite near here anyways." Sagittarius shook her fur and before getting up, there was wings flapping behind us.

"You called? I take lessons very seriously." I turned around to meet eye-to-eye with brown fierce ones. The owl has white shiny feathers and some of them has golden streaks, a masterpiece.

"I'm Virgo and you're Aries, the rat beside you is Sagittarius." He said. "I hate when animals just say, the rat beside you is Sag, or stuff like that. You could just say Sag or something and not include rat." Sagittarius grumbled.

"I'll leave now!" Sagittarius declared before scurrying through the woods. I waved and turned my attention back to the masterpiece in front of me.

"There's no Mango trees in this part of the forest but there is some at somewhere in the middle. That's a birch tree over there, next to the Pine, and it's everywhere actually. There's also some oak trees around from what I saw yesterday. Anyway, this is the Sherwood Forest. And this river here is actually not a river but just a normal leaked water. But, um, yeah. Want to know more?" He said.

I gaped at him, "You're so wise! Where do you get those information?" I asked. "I just know it, I guess. Mum also taught me when I was a young one, and it never left me." He said while looking down sadly at the leaked water.

I tilted my head to the side, "Tell me what happened. It will pay off, you'll feel better if you tell someone."

"When I was just a little owlet, my mother taught me things no one else knew. She taught me who created us, she taught me names, legends and creatures that was only known to mankind, whatever that means but that's on the future. I guess we've known too much when a leopard heard our conversation and wanted to know more. But mum left before the leopard came and forced me to tell him more, but I can't since I promised to keep the things I know in secret. My mum came when she heard my cries for help and bit the leopard and scratched him. Since the leopard was stronger, it big my mum's neck in half and I remember her telling me to break the promise and spread the knowledge. So I flew away from her and luckily found this forest, and here I am teaching you." Virgo said.

He looked down at the ground and didn't make any eye contact. "Hey, it's okay. Everything fine now and your mum is in a better place. I'm so proud of you! I truly am!" I comforted him.

He began shaking and I felt bad for the owl, the majestic and beautiful owl. I hesitantly put my wing around him and pulled him closer.

"You know, Aries, you're the first to hear my story." He whispered. Sudden heat came to my body and I shuddered, "So you trust me?" I asked.

"I trust you. And you're lucky since an owl rarely trust anyone." He answered.

"Glad I was your first then, I never met a beautiful creature like you before." I answered.

Different. Yeah, this story is so different. Did you like it though? Cause maybe you were looking for something else. But anyway, inspiration is from Disney fanfics.

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