Chapter 11 where my biggest adventure yet!

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"Liwen?" I yelled, my voice seemed to be echoing of the walls- wait there was no walls, well I don't think there is. I don't know about anything. The last thing I remember is looking up at the moon telling my old friend, Liwen, where I have been the pass years. Then for no reason I passed out!

"Hello! Can you hear me! Anyone!" I yelled as a SOS call. I really needed one right around now!

The so called place was completely black. I couldn't see my hands; that was how dark it was! Without thinking I had started walking and didn't stop.

"T-That power?" I had thought to my self. I was starting to remember why I had  Fainted. so much power in one town! Before I had fainted it felt to be coming from Phoenix Drop! The dark place began to spin and then I was in the nether
"Wait? What?" I screamed confusedly then within a second I felted like going to the nether.
"No... Never! I will never go back! I am happy where I am!" I said to convince myself. It seemed to work. I calmed my self down. Once calm again I was no longer in the Nether I was in the Black place, but this time it was spinning. Again!

It went faster and faster. The faster it went the faster the world started to come back to life... or light! It became lighter like a came fire, and more green like grass and trees. Then I was in a tent. I look to my side to see Liwen on a tree.

"Liwen?" I say quietly "Liwen?" I repeated myself but a lot loader. No answer. She seemed to be sleeping. I looked around saw that her friend was sleeping too, and got up; light headed. I began to make my way to Phoenix Drop to see what had caused the great magic power rise was.

Hi guys Violet here! I guess you could call this Author's Note, but seriously I want to give you, yes you a great big THANKS! I want to thank you for sticking around and reading my life as... Viloet, a Shadow Knight... 11 Chapters! Sorry that this chapter was short I got to lazy to write and I also wanted to know what was happening to Laurence in ep. 84 (MCD)!

And if you want comment what your OTP (One true pairing) is in MCD (Minecraft Diaries), high school, or my street.

NO hate but my Favourite ship is Garmau. Since it was one of MCD's frist ships, as in s. 1 ep. 1!

heh BYE everyone!!!!!

The story of Viloet (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon