Chapter 10

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the staph the woman was holding was a dagger. The woman herself is the one at the top of the page

I look to her in shock as my last memories of her come back.

My memory

Garroth had just told me that a girl named Liwen's brother was killed for killing a guard "But Garroth he was a guard?" I said. I now remember that Liwen was my Best friend in O'khasis. "Zane wants her hold family dead..." Garroth said. I walk over to Liwen's house since it is her B-day and nock on her door. She opens, by now I have forgotten about Zane. As she answered I said "Hey Liwen, happy Birthday!" "thanks. Wanda play?" Liwen asked. I nodded.

After a bit of playing Liwen's sister came running to us "Liwen we have to go!" she yelled-whispered. "Why?" Liwen and I asked at the same time "Zane is after us..." she said. I never knew her name she was a guard, but didn't help with my traning"I know a placw where you can hide for a couple days" I said. "where?" the sisters asked at the same time. I never told them where till we had gotten there.

"Garroth and I found this a long time ago." I said as Liwen and her sister were going inside I froze "what is wrong Violet?" Liwen asked. "I have to go Garroth will start looking for me..." I turned back towards O'khasis. Garroth always, I don't know how, but he knows when I am able to play and go into the woods. I found him in his backyard "Garroth?!" I yelled. He looked up I believe I scared him. He nodded towards the woods, and then I nodded "Food..." I said after we grabbed about ten bread  we headed towards the little house thing. Once we got there Liwen and her sister ate until I saw O'khasis guards "their coming..." I said sadly. "There is a door out back! Garroth and I will stay here! Now go, go!" They ran outside. After a little I heard someone open the door. "Who did you get?" said-

                The end of the memory

"L-Liwen?!" I yelled "is that you?" she looked a little frightened but she answered "How do you know my name?! Do I know you?" "Liwen it is me Violet..." she knows I am a Shadow Knight this is bad, this is bad! "V-Violet? This can't be you! This can't be you?" she said "it is me Liwen... Now can you please get off of me!" after we got up Liwen asked me "What happened to your eyes?" I looked down not wanting to talk about that "What's wrong?" Liwen asked "At the age of 13 Garroth, Zane, three guard , and I went to the Nether. I didn't return..." I said looking back up. Liwen didn't say anything. I heard someone yell "Liwen! Where did you go?!" "coming!" Liwen yelled back "Do you want to come to the camp Amber and I set up?" in response I nodded. I was so hungry!

 we walked back to the camp, it had a fire going, and two sleeping bags it looked nice for a over night stay. " Liwen, who is this?" My guess this is Amber "a old friend of mine." Liwen said with a hint of sleep within her voice "Hello, my name is Viloet." Liwen looked at me in shock. "Wait?  You change your name?" Liwen yelled. I rolled my eyes at Liwen and said "That's a story for another time." by rubbing Liwen on the head, my guesses is that Liwen didn't like that "I hate you!" Liwen yelled "I hate you too." I said stopping rubbing her head like a older sister. she pulled out her sword and I said very calmly "Would you kill someone who is already dead?" "I don't care! I still will kill you because I tried to kill Garroth in O'khasis all the time!" Liwen said with hatred of saying Garroth's name "Can you two bring this fight somewhere else?" Amber yelled beside us "No!" Liwen and I both yell "How about we kill Amber?" Liwen whispers to me. I said nothing and walked away "Hey I heard that!" I heard Amber yell behind me. I kept walking, farther and farther. "Viloet where are you going!" Liwen yelled, Once again I said nothing but waved and kept walking.

I heard foot steps and she once again said where are you going. "I don't kill..." I said with a very bad tone, Liwen started laughing and said "Really that was a joke!" "What about the joke about killing Garroth?  You don't know do you?" I said as tears fill within my eyes "What are you talking about? I did nothing to Garroth totally!" she asked "Liwen... he is stuck within the Irene's Dimension..."  I said looking away "WHAT! I heard about Lady Irene but I never knew there was a Irene Dimension..." Liwen yelled "i bet you know vary little about her for example, I am related to her." I say very calmly. when I was younger I was told that I was related in a way "but how?" Liwen said "in very little ways. she had kids you know" I was now looking up to the moon. "Where are you guys?" Amber yelled as everything went black I felt my self falling.

Author's notes:

Thank you for reading this far I hope you enjoyed. I have to thank Liwen herself for teaming up with me thanks once again

see Liwen's page here she has different stuff then me so go on a head!

Liwen's profile link:

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