Chapter 2

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After what felt like forever with Zane yelling "are we there yet?!" we finally made it to a nether wart farm.  We made it a competition to see who gets the most. guards were not allowed to help. We count down from "3, 2, 1, GO!" said Zane's guard. I was faster than the boys so as he said go I ran strait and grabbed a whole row and a half, Garroth got a row and a half and Zane got a row.

Zane had an evil smirk half way back as we saw an gast fly bye. I pull out my Bow (I'm likely to have the best am here) and killed the gast. Zane was mouthing something looked to be a spell. Garroth and I were having more fun talking then the way here we were talking about the Gast and seeing who would hit it first, but we both knew it was going to be me! As I fell behind Zane did too. In a second we lost the grope "hello guys!" I yelled an gast came up from be hide us, two kill shot. "don't yell Violet, you're going to get us both killed!" he yelled another gast came up from beside us, 3 kill shot. "Look there they are!" Zane said pointing down. I look, they were on the layer under us, Zane told the truth "how do we get down there?" I asked "just like this!" he replied I looked back at him "how d-" I didn't finish because Zane had pushed me I saw his face after he did he looked overly happy then I saw Garroth, he looked about to cry we were best friends, "Z-Z-Zane how could you push me" I yell my last words. Just then I realised that I was falling into a pool of lava, my last thoughts "dead at 13... I could have been a guard... could have had a family when I was older... all this gone because of Zane! I will get m-my revenge, n-n-no I-I-'m thinking like him... I" I was dead but I heard Zane yell "no Violet that evil gast!" and Garroth "n-n-o Violet y-y-you can't be dead" I'm guessing that my guard drank a fire resistant potion to bring my body back home to be graved.

I think it was a year later after I died, I woke up "eh! she's up!" someone said, they sound familiar. I was in a cell I tried to look around but no one was there. "Violet you have been out for years!" the voice said again. "w-who are you! Show yourself, where am I?" I yelled "shhh... you are in the nether still." The voice said "h-h-how! I died!" I yelled again "that will be expand later." He said "answer me who are you?"  I wouldn't stop till I know "Violet you don't remember my voice, well I guess it has been a while, my name is-" "is she awake?" another voice interrupted him "Y-Yes" another voice said. How many people are in here? I wondered. A light flashed in my face "hello little miss, your friend in the cell next to you hasn't told us your name, what may it be?" someone said. I didn't answer "we should give her a day." It sounded like a girl she wasn't in a cell "my name is Sasha just so you know a name in here sweaty!" Sasha said. I heard a door shut "this is the guy to your left they all are gone" said the guy in the left cell "hopefully you remember me my name is Vylad."

(how you like my story of my life this was really painfully to write I get caught up in my own stories, I how you keep reading!)

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