Chapter 8

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"I am no harm I was just pasting throw." I said calmly "How did you get here!" the Female yelled. "The same way Vylad did..." they went quit "you know Vylad?" the lord said "yes... same with Zane" I rolled my eyes "and Garroth. You look a lot like him, Levin? Is it?" Levin backed away and the guard had stepped towards me "How you know that?!" she asked "His sword said Levin... no need to kill me." I said standing up she acted really fast and hand croft me to the wall of the cell, and also shut the door. I felt my eyes glow redder as I looked from Levin to the girl. "I am not a threat I promise! Just a normal girl looking for a job as a guard" I said staring at the guard. She looked down.

    "you had shasha here didn't you?" "How you know that?" said Levin "most Shadow Knights can sense others, but I want to get as far away from here so I don't hurt anyone..." I said even calmer "I can't control my power let me go please... if you do I will aid you in any way I can when I can control myself please!"

"No we must know how you got out" said Levin "maybe if we keep on hostage Shadow Knights will leave us be." "Maybe" "They will not care I don't follow the Shadow Lord." Like I wasn't there they said "lets go talk to Dante about this." The guard said. And there right then I was in a cell once again. I felt my power fading as if a spell was put on this place; I had falling into a deeper sleep.

    When I had woken up I had saw a man with blue hair. "What were you doing in that tree!" he had said "I-I am sorry I was pasting throw" I stuttered "had just talked to some people you may have known before I made camp in that tree" "Who!" "Laurence and Vylad, to fellow Shadow Knights... Good friends." I said trying to stay calm "I know them do they trust you?" he asked "yes they trust me deeply... same with Garroth too I think..." the blue hair guy looked down and said "do you know about Garroth?"  I nodded "you're not a bad Shadow Knight... what maybe your name?" "My name is Viloet..." I said my eyes started to tear up and I hid my face "Viloet neat name..." he started "I will ask Levin if you could be let out."

    The next day Levin came with two of his guards the female, and the blue hair guy "Viloet you will be able to walk around but... not allowed leaving this area." Levin said "Fare another... may I ask your guards names?" I asked "My name is Dante." Said the blue hair man "and my name is Alexis." Said the Female guard.

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