Chapter 3

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Sorry for the big long wait for the next chapter but guess what! Here it is! Hope you guys like it.

1958, March 06

We walked inside my home with me basically carrying John. I helped him on the kitchen counter, and he winced climbing up.

"You alright Johnny?" I asked worriedly. He mumbled a 'yeah' and situated himself so his legs were hanging over the edge of the counter. I grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom and came back to John. Who, by the way, looked like shit. His face was bruised, with cuts all over his arms and face, most likely from a blade, and a split lip.

"I feel shitty," John spoke up, "And are you going to fix me or are you just gonna check me out all day?"

'Shit'  I mentally cursed myself. "I uh I wasn't-" I stuttered out.

"You keep telling yourself that McCartney," he smirked, "Well hurry up would yah? My aunt will have a fit if I'm late."

I sighed as I walked over to him with the kit in hand placing it on the counter next to the boy. "You're going to have to take off your shirt so I can see-"

"Ooo Paulie I didn't know you liked me, you're gonna have to ask me to dinner first," John said winking.

"I-I just uh need to see the um wounds John," I stuttered out and I could feel my face getting red.

John smirked at me, "Well alright," he said taking it off.

He winced and mumbled an 'ouch' while he took it off, and when it was finally off I quietly gasped. There was a huge bruise that was forming on the right side of his body. It was starting to turn a dark shade of purple and green.

"I'm going to get some ice for that," I said trying to get as far away as possible.

He mumbled an 'okay' and I went to retrieve it. I couldn't get the bruise out of my head. There has to be something really wrong for there to be as bruise that big, and it's all my fault. If he just wasn't friends with me-

"Paulie , what's taking you so long?" John asked.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, walking back into the room.

I placed the ice on his side and he winced in pain. "Just hold still John, it's alright," I said quietly. His breathing became more labored as I moved the ice around his side. 

"That hurts yah know," he breathed out.

"Just hold still Lennon," I said looking up at him. I met his light brown eyes with my hazel ones. He looked at me intensely, studying my features. "You hurt?" he asked bringing his hand to the cut on my lip.

I shook my head in response because I couldn't trust myself to speak. His thumb traced the cut on my lip gently and I could feel his breath on my face as he moved in closer. He smelled of cigarettes and vanilla which smelled heavenly. I closed my eyes and leaned in more until our lips brushed together whenever we breathed. "Good," he whispered and I felt him pull away.

I opened my eyes and saw John smirking at me. "You actually bought that?" he smiled even more.

My face turned bright red in embarrassment. "No I didn't! I knew it was a joke John!"

John laughed, "I didn't know I was that good looking Macca."

"You're not. You look like a cow!"

He chuckled, "You keep telling yourself that Paul."

John jumped down from the counter and started putting his shirt back on. "Wait Lennon where are you going?" I asked.

"Home. Before my aunt kills me," he explained buttoning his shirt.

"Well you're not-"

"Paul, I'm fine."

"Well, fine but don't come crying to me when your side hurts," I said picking up the first aid kit. Which I could barely even manage with my fingers trembling from before. 

'Why had he done that? I'm not queer, I like girls! But they don't make me feel nervous after stuff like this. What's wrong with me?'

I looked down and noticed the  wasn't fitting in the box, and I was so frustrated I slammed the box shut and did it over and over again until I threw it on the floor in front of a confused John.

"Why are you my friend?" I asked quietly, my breathing heavy.

"Paul, what do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"Why are you my friend, John. And why did you help me back there? Just why?" I said turning to him.

"You can't really pick who you're friends with can you?" I just stared at him blankly and he sighed. "Listen Paulie, you're my mate and I helped you back there because, well, I care about you and I don' want you getting hurt alright?"

I smiled, "Yeah alright."

"Now you going to walk me home or what?" he asked, gesturing towards the door.

I laughed, "Well I guess so, you still look like shit."

"Ah piss off."

I laughed as I led him outside. It was a quiet evening with no wind, just silence. The whole time to John's house it was silent. Every once in a while he would wince in pain, but before I could say anything he mumbled 'I'm alright' and then it was quiet again.

We finally reached his house, and I led him up to the door. "Hey Macca," he said turning to me, "lets just forget about what happened yeah?"

I didn't know what to say. He wanted me to forget that?! How will I do that?

"Yeah John, I will," I said nodding.

"Good, well Paulie I'll see you tomorrow then? And also I want you to come to our band practice so I can see how good you are yeah?" he said.

"I wouldn't miss it Lennon!"

He laughed, "Good! See you tomorrow then." He waved and finally, I was there alone.

'I don't know how he thinks I'll just forget that,' I thought, 'Because I really want to try that again.'

Alright hopefully that was long enough for you guys. Hope you like it! Have a wonderful day dudes.

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