CHAPTER 38 - Surfing with the pros...

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"You finished first of your first ever round in the Pro Tour, Miss DiCappiccio. How do you feel about that?" The commenter, a beautiful blonde woman, asked me after Link had led me to the small stage where she'd been waiting for me.

I hadn't said a word to anyone in weeks and here I was, facing her with a mic in front of me and cameramen filming.

I took a deep breath.

"I don't think I realize what's happening to me..." I answered in a small voice but she smiled.

"Some say you'd never surfed before winning the Christmas LAGOON competition, is that right?" She went on.

"It is, yes... When I was six, JAWS kind of put me off playing in the waves..." I said truthfully with a small grimace, which made her and several people laugh around us.

"So Noah Violette is the one to thank for then..." She interjected with a knowing smile. His name always brought back those memories of his big hand massaging his gel on my stomach and the warmth I'd feel deep inside, so I had to concentrate really hard not to let her show how she'd affected me.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows were furrowed.

"He's the one who helped you overcome your phobia, isn't he?" She explained.

"Hmm... Not really..." I mumbled with a grimace. "If I recall correctly, his reaction was to tell me that there were actually plenty of sharks in Tahiti..." I wasn't sure why they were all laughing around me. All I knew was that I was now desperate to get out of here, preferably back in the water.

"Thanks for answering my questions, Blake, and good luck for Round 3!" She then said and after giving her one of my forced smiles, I joined Lincoln down the stage and let out a huge relieved sigh.

"You did well..." He whispered. "Let's go and grab something to eat..." He added and motioned for me to follow him, which I did.

"Blake, wait!" I turned around and my eyes grew wide when I saw Jeremiah and Merlin standing in front of me, studying me with the same sad expressions on their faces.

And just like that, everything came back to me, their Mom's cryptic message at the restaurant in New York City, Riley breaking down at the airport, Sally at the school gates and Riley's destroyed expression, Riley being almost carried by his parents on Graduation Day...


Just as I closed my eyes, hoping it would be enough to make the memories disappear, somebody pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Blake." Merlin murmured.

I stiffened but he didn't budge.

"Jere and I thought you could come and spend a few weeks in Hawaii with us..." He then said. "Shawn..." He started again but I was on the verge of breaking. I had to put an end to this. I gently but firmly pushed him away from me and without meeting his eyes, I muttered, "I... I can't... I'm sorry..." before running away from him, from them.

I heard Lincoln call me but I didn't stop, I just ran.

I ran from the ugly reality I still couldn't face. What was there to face anyway? Riley had made his decision and Shawn ... I sighed. Things would never be the same now.

Not only because whenever I'd see him, Riley's ghost would always be lingering nearby but also because he'd known what was going on but didn't tell me.

I didn't think I'd ever be able to forgive him.

And don't start me about my Dad's ongoing silence.

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