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As I landed on the board after the final jump of the boarder cross track and crossed the finish line, I knew I'd won my second gold medal that week.

"You did it, B!" Riley, my best friend numero uno, who'd won the exact same two medals in the Junior Boys equivalent events in the last couple of days exclaimed, before hoisting me up on his shoulders.

A crowd of people soon stood around us, clapping and cheering me loudly.

"BLAKE! BLAKE! BLAKE! BLAKE! BLAKE! BLAKE!" They chanted as Riley carried me to the podium where Cindy Logan and Mary Mason were already waiting for me to get there to get started with the trophy ceremony.

People quietened down as soon as he put me down on the highest step, and the presenter started his congratulation speech. A video of the race was being played on a giant screen behind us and people cheered loudly again when I was the first to cross the line.

An assistant gave Cindy her medal, a bunch of flowers and a bag of goodies while the presenter introduced her briefly to the public, and I spaced out wondering what Liam was doing right then.

He was my first real boyfriend and we'd celebrate our one year' anniversary tomorrow night at the chalet.

I'd planned everything from the lingerie I'd be wearing, to the meal I'd cook. I'd also rented PS, I Love You, his favorite film.

Yep! I was lucky like that to have landed the perfect boyfriend at the early age of sixteen but with everything else going on family-wise, I thought I deserved every single minute of pure happiness we shared together.

Take Charles Legrand , Luke Merrington and Brandon Crawford – the three most beautiful teen models in the world in my opinion – mix them together and you'd get an idea of what Liam looked like.

Well, not literally of course, I wasn't sure what Charles would look like with Luke's left arm and Brandon's nose, but you got my point, right?

Liam was a very fine specimen of the male species and he'd been mine for exactly one year and three days.

I'd hoped he'd have joined me in Mount Rock to watch me ride my Half Pipe final yesterday but he'd sent me a text message on Monday stating that some family emergency had come up and that he wouldn't be able to make it here before the weekend.

Today was Friday. It kind of already was the weekend, even though with most people working on Fridays, Saturdays were probably considered as the real first day of a weekend.

Since he wasn't there now, I really hoped he'd meant Saturday in his text. I'd tried to get in touch with him throughout the week with no success, so I suspected something really serious had happened.

Why not share what was wrong with him with his girlfriend, you're probably wondering?!

The answer's so obvious, I can't even believe you're even asking me that!

My perfect boyfriend didn't want me to get distracted during my big competition. He was thinking of me, protecting me from any stressful news.

Not that I knew any member of his family, really. They were all so very busy, what with all the sport and trips they always partook in.

So I wouldn't have been that stressed, really, but I guessed he was being his usual overprotective self. Like the two occurrences when he cancelled our holidays at the last minute because he'd gotten sick and didn't want me to catch his germs.

One year and three days of blissful happiness.

I still remembered how it had all started.

I'd been about to ride my skateboard home from school when he'd approached me in all his grace.

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