Chapter Four:

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Carter's POV.

"Fight" I told Courtney as I pulled a foldable bow and arrows out of my Hoodie. I fought Oliver while Courtney and her knife fought the black dude. After 20 minutes Oliver and the other one knocked us out. I woke up in a sitting position with my hands tied behind my back, I felt Courtney behind me.

"Who are you and how did you find this place?" Oliver asked he still had the suit on and now he had a voice modifier.

"well I'm Court..." I head butted her.

"shut up what did Mr. Merilyn always tell us?" I asked her.

"never give away your true identity" she said in a mimicking tone. "But he's our brother, its different"

"hush, it's the protocol" and with that we started bickering, again.

"stop" the black guy yelled.

"Diggle let me handled this." Oliver still had the voice modifier on.

"Oliver we know it you so cut the crap" Courtney sounded annoyed, she always is after we fight.

"who sent you here?" he finally turned off the voice modifier.

"we sent ourselves" I said feeling Courtney's mood.

"moody teenagers, where did you come from?"

"down the street after two weeks on an island with Mr Merlyn" I said sarcastically.

"Where are your parents?" Diggle asked

"well let's see, our father died after a boat blew up and our mother was killed by someone barging into our home when we were three." I informed them.

"do you have any other family?" Diggle asked.


"Where are they?"

"One is right there and we don't know where Thea is" I told them.

"Now we have proven that we are who we are... Can you please untie us?" Courtney asked, they did what we asked.

"Technically we are only Oliver's sibling since Thea isn't Robert's daughter." I said retrieving my bow from the ground and putting it into my hoodie.
"How old are you guys?" the lady spoke.
"14, who are you?" we asked in unison
"Felicity, I'm the computer quiz around here, how did you get down here?" she asked
"I hacked the keypad." I said proudly.

"you would have had to go through 12 firewalls and 20 security sites to get it opened, how did you find the door if the only way to get to the door is through the club and you guys are seriously under-aged." She seemed impressed and worried at the same time.

"We just jumped through the window outside the door," this conversation was getting boring.

"but that's 2 metres up" Felicity started.

"ok we are going to continue this conversation, why don't we just keep asking questions like how can Oliver climb buildings and can shoot an arrow and shall I keeping going." I asked sarcastically.

"great I just finish looking after a moody teen now I have to look after two?" Oliver said put his bow down. "Felicity see if Barry can come here and tell him to bring three DNA tests." Oliver asked her and she got her phone. "oh and warn him about the visitors" Oliver went upstairs. We slipped away also, I don't think Diggle saw us. We went upstairs and walked around.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in here?" a familiar voice asked. Courtney wasn't with me anymore.

Courtney's POV

"Carter" I called out after loosing him.
"Court what are doing here?" Hannah asked.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm here with Thea. Answer my question." She took me to the bathroom where it was quieter.
"I was here with Carter then I lost him."
"How did you get in here you guys are way too young?"
"Carter's hacking and our gymnastics training" I told her.
"Ok then let's find Thea and Carter" she held my hand as we went back into the party. We found Thea.
"Hey Thea this is my sister Courtney" Hannah said as we approached her.
"Hi" she smiled. I smiled back she has no clue who I am to her.
"I'm going to find Carter" I ran away from them.

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