"I want 12."

An emerald eye cracked open. "You're kidding."

"14," She amended and he chuckled before righting himself, feet finding purchase on the cave bottom.

"Riel. Come on. You give me too much credit."

Her lips quirked and she slunk to his side. "Do I?"

"You'll be lucky if I can give you one."

Seeking hands settled on the small of his back and kneaded the tight muscle there. "I have faith in you."

"That's... nice of you to say," He broke off with a groan as his head fell forward. "Gods that feels good."

Riel's palms slid under his shirt, skimming hot skin that covered the thick muscles of his back. "You should take this off."

Riel... Halia warned. She'd stayed silent up to this point, figuring she owed her wolf the chance to get to know him without constant interruption. She didn't mind the flirting and was even glad that Cade seemed to accept her as easily as he did. She didn't expect anything less from him. But she couldn't let Riel have this. Not right now.

Riel pouted, sighing raggedly. She dropped a kiss on his covered shoulder and he turned to her with an arched brow.

"What's wrong—" A sharp slap on the rear made him whirl around, teeth bared in a mock snarl. "I think the two of you have a fetish."

"Do you blame us? You've got such a nice ass. Perky and firm—"

He flushed and grabbed her hands that were making squeezing motions in the air. "Alright, I get it."

She smiled and he froze. It wasn't sly or flirtatious. It was open and pure and so sweet. The dimple in her left cheek surfaced as her lips parted, canines that were smaller than his own flashing brightly. The liquid gold of her irises swam vibrantly and he could almost feel the affection radiating from her gaze. Her head tilted expectantly and he pressed his lips against hers without thought. Arms curled around his neck and tugged him tighter into the kiss, their breath mingling as she whispered. "Halia wants to switch now. She's done sharing."

Cade could only nod, slightly dazed.

Riel laughed quietly and kissed the side of his jaw. "Don't look so sad. I'll be back soon..." She trailed off, lips returning to his a second and third time while her fingers wove through the cropped hair at his nape. Eventually pulling away with a muttered, "Fine", she winked and broiling gold melted into honey brown.

"Hey. You okay?" Still wrapped in his arms Halia glanced up. She bit her lip nervously. Maybe he wanted to spend more time with Riel. What if he preferred Riel over her?

Don't say shit like that, Riel growled in disbelief. He adores you.


Cade palmed the side of her neck, sweeping gentle fingers over his bites. "I'm fine. Are you?"

His timbre was so soft and inviting, she sighed and fell against his chest. Her arms linked loosely atop lean hips and he brushed a hand down her back in comforting strokes. "Do you like her?"

He chuckled quietly. "Yes. How could I not?"

Halia's heart sank. I knew it... Of course he would choose Riel over her. She was more fun and easy to get along with. And Halia was just...

Riel barked at the woman. Halia, stop. He's not choosing anyone. He belongs to us both.

Halia knew she was being ridiculous. She was essentially jealous of herself yet knowing didn't stop the feeling. If Cade was a were then this wouldn't be an issue. Halia would have the man and Riel would have the wolf. But he wasn't a wolf. So they both had to share the man.

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