23. False Security

Start from the beginning

Camila sat at the Jauregui's kitchen table, her eyes fixed on the back wall and her cereal getting soggy in front of her. The images of all the things Shawn told her moved through her mind, overtaking her own painful memories. To think he'd had to endure all of that at such a young age. Hearing his mother die right in front of him and watching his father arrested for her murder was more than any child should have to suffer.

Then, the sickening array of homes he'd been placed in afterward—Camila had never felt so disgusted about anything in her life. She'd heard of the injustices thrust on young children before, but never had she actually seen the results. Seen how horribly it affected them so much later in life. And if she were honest, she'd never really taken much time to think about it at all, which in turn made her not only sickened by the actions of others, but for her complacency in a world where things like that happened.

Camila lifted the spoon to her mouth, only to drop it back into the bowl, her appetite gone. Pushing her chair back, she stood and walked over to the sink, dumping the rest of her cereal down the garbage disposal. She placed her hands on the edge of the sink and bowed her head, feeling her throat tighten and her eyes begin to sting. Nothing could ever take away the past Shawn had been forced to endure, but if she had anything to say about it, his future would be filled with nothing but good memories. She knew nothing she did could cover the things that had already happened, but if she could help fill his life with at least some goodness, maybe the sting of the awfulness would fade with time.

"There you are." Lauren's voice came from behind her.

Camila whipped around, sucking in a sharp breath and blinking rapidly to ward off the tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, Lauren. You scared me."

Lauren narrowed her eyes and moved forward cautiously. "Are you crying?"

Camila shook her head and waved Lauren off. "No. I'm fine."

"You're lying. Yes you are." She came closer. "What the hell did my ass of a brother do to you?"

Camila couldn't hold back the tears any longer and they rolled over her cheeks. "Nothing. He didn't do anything to me. I'm fine."

Realization dawned in Lauren's eyes. "Is he okay? Where is he?"

"He went running." Camila wiped the tears from her cheeks. "And he's as okay as he can be, I guess."

Lauren grabbed Camila's hand and led her back to the table, guiding her into a chair before taking one herself. Her large, concerned eyes bored right into Camila. "What happened last night? I waited up for you but fell asleep after a while."

Camila bit the inside of her mouth, unable to meet Lauren's eyes. "Sorry. He, uh, he needed me so I—I stayed." She stared at the floor.

"You stayed? Like—all night?"

Camila nodded and peeked up under her lashes. Lauren's expression was fixed in surprise.

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