"Shut up Trevor!" Griffin spat, "your family bought into my lies weeks ago! Your wife is incredibly daft under all that beauty."

"What was that about my wife!" Trevor demanded, slamming Griffin back against the glass window. The clouded pane cracked under the impact.

"You heard me the first time," Griffin sneered, he features marred by the ugly expression. "Your entire family is unintelligent swine who can't tell when an offer is too good to be true."

I was forced to step in when a flash of purple lit up in Trevor's eyes. He was another of the Talented. "Enough Trevor! Attacking Griffin in a back alley won't benefit anyone, trust me." Trevor hesitantly stepped back, dropping Griffin back onto the ground. Griffin's knees buckled when he landed and he fell to the ground. I was immediately upon him. I trapped his hands behind his back, ultimately restricting his movement. "Do you know what the next coarse of action is Griffin? I'll have to lock you up for questioning."

"Sure you're making the right decision here April?" Griffin asked frantically. He twisted and writhed in my grasp, attempting to escape the scene.

"Trevor? Have I made the right decision?" I questioned innocently, glancing at the larger man. He relieved expression confirmed my choice even before he replied.

"Yes Miss, yes you have." Trevor nodded wildly, his eyes glassing over with gratitude. "My family will thank you a million times over if you can keep that bastard away from us."

"Such vulgar language," Griffin tutted, "you completely sure you can trust someone like that."

"Shut up Griffin, I'll trust whoever I want!" I snapped as I hauled Griffin to his feet and handcuffed him. I'd initially protested to the addition of handcuffs in our patrol kits – we aren't policemen – but they had come in handy on multiple occasions. "Start walking buddy," I commanded Griffin, "there's some people I'd like you to meet."

"April! You're back early," Freddie commented when I arrived back at the Lab, "Emma's shift doesn't finish until fi– why do you have a handcuffed male?"

"She tackled me in an alley and tied me up," Griffin accused, "I'm not usually one to make remarks such as this, but that girl is insa– ack!" His words were cut off by a sharp jab to the throat delivered by my elbow. I did not have the patience to deal with him after the seemingly endless walk home.

Throughout the journey Griffin had continuously made snide comments regarding my decision-making abilities. "Trusting that disgusting man without hearing my side of the story, one of the many reasons women are inferior," and, "you trusted me the first time, what's different now? Was it the child? She was trying to escape from me that day, did you know that?" Griffin's presence gave me the same uneasy sense of distrust that Skylar did. Something about the pair set my senses on edge – it was probably nothing, but I did not trust them one bit.

"I'm locking him up in the back room," I informed Freddie as I dragged Griffin through the Lab, "please interview him when you get the chance, but be careful – he's a compulsive liar."

"Will do," Freddie saluted jokingly before rotating his chair back to face the computer screens.

"Well, well, someone has some authority here," Griffin prodded, smirking profusely. "Why would that be dear April? Care to explain?"

"That information is very much classified," A deep voice sounded from behind me. It was powerful and commanding, both warm and icy at the same time, and a voice I recognized instantly – Jack. "Lock him up April, we've got work to do."

"With pleasure," I complied, leading Griffin into the small room at the back of the Lab. The small chamber was basically an empty cell, just a few square metres of concrete fitted with a worn mattress and a couple of security cameras. "Enjoy your stay." I roughly dumped Griffin in the room, purposely neglecting to unlock his handcuffs.

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