twelve sixteen : supernova

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i wonder if you ever think about the stars in the sky. they're really pretty, always shining. i wonder if sometimes they're sad, if they don't want to shine anymore.

maybe that's why they blow up into a supernova.

i guess i'm kind of like a supernova.

i'm all burned out sometimes. i'm messed up and anxious and panicky and shy and scared and terrified and crazy and emotional and scared and scared and scared.

but sometimes i smile and laugh and smile and laugh until my ribcage hurts.

sometimes you look at me like the sun.

are you mistaking me for something pure? the sun has never blown up. the sun has never refused to shine. the sun has never ever shattered itself because it is sick of shining.

maybe you're better off with a sun.

i'm not ashamed to be a supernova. supernovas are beautiful, even if they are burnt out stars. because they have a story and they had moments where they were stars, but they needed a moment to break apart too.

but they still shine.

in some aspects, we're all kind of broken. some people are terrified of mundane things. i want to rip my skin off sometimes. people want to jump off cliffs when their loves cheat on them, or when the voices tell them to.

but we're all humans, and if given a chance, we can shine.

stop making us dull.

your supernova.


if i could fly,
samantha xo

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