Chapter Eleven

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Theresa sat in the parlor, reading one of the books that Brandon had provided her with. When she had woken up with Sophia to join him for breakfast, he had told her that his servant, Noah, was coming here to live with them. However, he was more than just a servant - he was one of Brandon's closest friends. He also said that another good friend of his would be coming to visit in the later afternoon.

Sophia had been a bit skeptical at first. She didn't think that it would be wise to suddenly introduce Theresa to even more giants when she had only arrived yesterday. But Theresa reassured her that it would be all right since they were Brandon's friends.

She was still a bit nervous about meeting them. She wanted to make a good impression on both of them. They were clearly important to Brandon, so he must have valued their opinions as well. She didn't want them to dislike her or think she was a poor match for their friend.

But she tried to remain positive about this. They hadn't met yet, so there was no reason to panic. As long as she was herself, then she could hope that they would approve of her. She remembered her lessons, she knew how to be polite, and Brandon would be there with her. She would be fine.

She sighed as she managed to chase her worries away. Perhaps now she could finish this book and get herself ready to meet his friends. She turned back to her book to continue reading.

But then the door burst open with a blonde-haired giant standing in the doorway.

Theresa jumped, nearly dropping her book on the floor. She looked up at him with wide eyes, who just stared back at her. His big bright red eyes were locked onto her, his head tilted like a curious child. Unnerved, she slowly pushed back into the corner of the chair she was sitting in.

She had never seen this giant before, not even wandering around the estate like she had with other servants. But she knew he had to be a servant, judging by his attire. Dark colors, simple, and comfortable - all the signs of a servant. Yet, the way he had barged in was not how servants entered a room. They would always knock first.

Then a big grin appeared on the giant's face. "Found you!" he cried out.

He moved toward her, causing the girl to pale and press back more into the chair. "U-Um, who-"

"Damn, you're a lot smaller than I thought." He moved closer to her, a hand stretching out towards her. She held back a cry, frightened at what he could have watched.

But just as his hand was inches from her, a large dark hand clamped down hard around his wrist. Both of them looked up, eyes widening to see Brandon panting hard. He glared murderously at the other giant as his hand clenched around the other's wrist/

Theresa shivered in fright at the sight. She had never seen such an expression from him before. And with everything going on, she wasn't sure if she should run away or just sit there and cry.

But, much to her surprise, the pale giant smiled. "That's a scary face."

Brandon's eyes narrowed. Then he yanked the giant away from Theresa and pushed him back. Before she could make sense of anything, Brandon had moved himself between her and the other.

"I thought I told you to wait until Nyla got here," he growled.

The other pouted. "But I wanted to meet her now~" he whined as he crossed his arms. "You're not being fair, Brandon."

Theresa was even more confused by what was happening. Brandon was the prince, yet he was addressing him so casually. Not only that, but he was almost acting like a child.

"And you're being stupid." He let go of his wrist and pushed the other back even more. "Just what the hell are you doing here?"

"Getting a better look at your future wife. She's so tiny - like a doll!" Then he paused, peeking around Brandon to look at her better. She jumped back, still anxious, but he had already turned back to the prince. "Well, more like a toddler to us, huh?"

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