Chapter Three

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Brandon stared out into the large garden behind the human castle. He was sitting on a log that overlooked the frozen lake, his hood covering his face. Even covered in snow, he could tell it was a beautiful estate that made the gardens back home pale in comparison. Giants generally weren't ones to spend time with flowers and bushes. They believed in being particular, and were more focused on their crops and farming fields. In general, giants weren't as flashy as humans tended to be. It was better to be efficient than beautiful.

Even his clothes now weren't anything special. Black pants, black boots, a red shirt, his black overshirt, and a dark red cloak - all finely made, sure, but it didn't have any of the embellishes and patterns he was used to seeing on humans. He wondered if that would have to change once he married one of these human princesses.

His father had only informed him about this arrangement a couple of months ago. He had been furious at first. He wasn't interested in marrying anyone. And a human? That sounded like a punishment. The Audrorains hated his kind, even feared him. He had absolutely no interest in marrying a woman who would fear him for the rest of their lives together.

He had no opinions about humans in general. When he had been younger, he had hated them and blamed them for his mother's death. However, once Bennett had forced him to work with him on fostering peace between Etimid and Audrora, he had grown indifferent to them. He still didn't want to marry one, but if it was for the nation, he would do it.

He was leaving it to the women to decide. His father said he could have a say in who he wanted as his bride, but he didn't care enough to choose. He would gladly meet them all, but they could decide amongst themselves who would be his bride. Whoever they picked, he would try his best to make it work. He intended to be a good and faithful husband; all he asked was for a wife that didn't fear him and was someone he would tolerate.

He heard a crunch in the snow. Turning his head, he saw a woman in a lavender gown and gray cloak approach him. Not wanting to be rude, he took off his hood and slowly stood up. She didn't flinch when he stood at his full height of ten feet. Her expression hadn't changed either.

Instead, when she finally stepped in front of him, she gave a polite smile and curtsied. "Good morning, Your Highness Prince Brandon. My name is Emma. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"It's good to meet you too, Princess Emma," he said, giving a polite bow. His neutral expression didn't change as he continued to observe her. She must have been the eldest; she carried herself with a sophistication that only came with age. He had to guess she was the eldest of the four. She was certainly very pretty too, elegant and regal.

"Did you have a safe journey here, my lord?"

He nodded. "The snow hasn't been as heavy lately, so the roads were clear."

"Oh, that's good news then."

They fell into an awkward silence at that. Brandon wasn't sure how to speak with this woman. He knew he had to be careful. She and her sisters were human, making them fragile to him. Even though Emma did not show any fear towards him, he wasn't stupid. She was probably terrified to be so close to him, considering the horror stories about what the rogue ones had done to her people.

"This is a lovely garden."

"Thank you," she said politely. "My mother takes a lot of pride in it."

When they went silent again, Emma took another look at the prince. Though she was able to mask it, she was afraid. The prince meant her no harm, but his expression was cold, almost as if he were glaring at her. While he was almost a carbon copy of his father, Brandon had longer hair and bright, almost burning red eyes. King Bennett had a much friendly disposition.

Love of a GiantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora