Chapter Five

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"So? What do you make of them?"

It took everything in Brandon's power to not roll his eyes. He had only returned back to the castle this morning, and immediately his father called him into his study. He knew Bennett would want all the details, but he figured the king would at least give him a chance to relax.

But Bennett was far too eager to learn about his potential daughter-in-law. The most he knew about any of them were only from the gossip and rumors humans liked to spread around. It was all only good things, but that hardly told him much about what they were actually like.

Too bad his son wasn't being very forthcoming.

"They're fine," Brandon grumbled.

"Really?" He groaned, reaching up to rub his temples. "That's it? You really have nothing else to say other than they were fine?"

"What do you want me to say?" Brandon's eyes narrowed at the other. He had no idea why his father was being so pushy about this. It should have been enough for him that he had agreed to this arranged marriage. He didn't need to ask him fifty questions.

"Anything!" Bennett looked exasperated as he leaned back in his chair. "I just want some details, Brandon. I wasn't there!"

"And it was the most peaceful time of my life."

Bennett sighed heavily and shook his head. Brandon was always so difficult, especially when it came to girls. Even before this arranged marriage business, any time he would ask about them, the boy would get so defensive. He hadn't been like that at that age.

None of the guards that went with Brandon had any details to offer. They weren't allowed in the guards, and had to watch from afar. They did mention there was one princess he spent a lot of time with compared to the others, but none of them knew who she was.

"Look. I heard you got along well with one of them, and I just want to know which one!"

Brandon's expression hardened. He should have known the guards would have said something to Bennett. Still, he was keeping his mouth shut. If he even mentioned her name, his father would accost him with a thousand questions and tease him.

And the man wondered why he never talked to him about women. "Does it even matter?" he grumbled. "It's not like I get a choice in which one I marry."

Bennett raised an eyebrow. "Not necessarily."

"... What?"

The king shrugged. "Yes, the decision is ultimately up to the princesses, but you can still give an opinion."

"I... can?"

Bennett held back the laugh he wanted to let out. Brandon usually hid his emotions behind his angry face well, but it seemed this meeting with the princesses had lowered his defenses a bit. After all, he was used to his son always being annoyed in his presence. But now, though his expression remained neutral, his eyes were softer and seemed to sparkle with a hint of desire.

He had never expected Brandon to actually grow fond of any of the princesses. He didn't really get attached to people in general. He never even really developed a close relationship with any of the women who tried to gather around him. The boy only really had two close friends; everyone else he knew was just an acquaintance.

He couldn't save Brandom from this arranged marriage, but he could at least help give him a push towards happiness. If his mother were here, it was what she would have wanted as well. Not to mention he was also curious about the lady that potentially stole his son's heart.

"If there was anyone you fancied, you could send a letter to King Ulric," he said, trying to appear nonchalant about the matter. "They may take what you say into consideration."

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