Chapter 25

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*Maddie's POV*

After Jake and I got done with cleaning up we picked out a movie for everybody to watch. We all watched Grown ups together. After it was over Mike and Trè went back to their buses to get some sleep. We are leaving in the morning to San Diego. I can't wait I've never been there before! I'm kinda nervous though. What if Billie is just saying all of the things to me just to make me feel better? What if he really doesn't love me? I start to question every thing Billie and Jakob has said to me in the last 24 hours. What if none of its true? No. Stop. I can't start thinking like this. They really do love me. I should just try and get some sleep.

Fuck that shit. It's 4:45am and I haven't slept at all. I get out of my bunk and head to the little kitchen. I see Billie sitting on the couch and decide to join him. "Insomniac?" "Yup thanks must've got it from you." We both laugh this off. "Y'know warm milk helps . Ill go get us a glass." Billie hops off the couch and within and 2 minutes he's back with some warm milk. "Fuck that shit is hot! I burned my tongue!" I screamed " Watch your language." "Ok sure Billie mr. punk rocker." I punch his shoulder lightly and before I know it I've fallen asleep. My head resting in Billie's lap. I feel myself eying picked up and dropped into my bunk. I can feel his eyes on my after he tucks me in. He whispers " I love you Maddie." Then leans in to kiss my temple. As he walks away I whisper back " I love you too Daddy."

*Billie's POV*

A wake up and it's 12:45pm. Shit I have I get dress! We have an interview at 2pm. I usually don't mind interviews but today I wanted to spend more time with Maddie and Jakob. I need to be there more for them. "Hey Beej? You in here?" "Hey Mike what's up?" "Oh Britney is coming into town and she wanted to take Maddie shopping is that ok with you?" "Fine with me but you'll you have to ask Maddie I know she has anxiety about public place sometimes. I just want to make sure she doesn't get a panic attack or something." "Yeah ok ill go ask her then. Thanks bud." Mike leaves out of my room insearch for Maddie.

*Maddie's POV*

I see Mike walking in my direction. I still can't believe I'm on tour with Mike Dirnt. He's so hot for an old dude."Hey kiddo." He greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm blushing pretty hard. I can tell because Mike chuckles and looks away awkwardly. "So what's up Mike?" "My wife, Britney, is coming I meet us before the interview with my kids and she wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping with her." "I would love too! But I don't have any money.." "No problem kid ill take care of that" "Mike no. I'm not you're kid I'm just some girl don't spend money on me." "I'm not asking you for your permission to spend money on my favorite niece." He smiled and winked at me. Damn I have to get over go he's 40 has a wife and two kids. Plus we practically relative! "Ok she'll be here in about an hour." "Ok thanks." He turns and walks away. Before he could go far I run up behind him and jump on his back. "Mike this means alot. Nobody has ever gotten me clothes before I've always had to borrow Ash's or go to a thrift shop. My mom dost have the best job." "No problem kid. Sooner or later I'm going to end up getting you a bass an teach you to rock like a pro. Y'know you can call me Uncle Mike if you want." Wow yeah I was totally fan girling on the inside. "Thanks Uncle Mike." I give him a kiss on the check and run into Billie's bus to tell Billie.

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