Chapter 24

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*Maddie's POV*

Billie walked out of he dinner blushing. I could only image what happened in there. I turn around and see Jakob getting angry. I could tell he knew what's going on. Billie likes the waitress and Jake is upset because of what happened with his mom. I would be upset too, who wouldn't be? Billie drove us back to the buses in silence with just the radio on. "The guys and I have to start getting ready for the show tonight. Just stay in the buses until the show stars ok?" "Yeah dad have fun tonight." Jake gave his dad a hug and Billie waved bye to me. I couldn't believe I was going to see another live Green Day concert!

*Ashton's POV*

Camp is alot of fun so far. It's cool to be in charge for once. I miss Maddie though we usually always hang out together. I wonder what she was doing right now. "Ash come on we have to go set up the rafts for river rafting!" The main cabin leader called out to me. Today we were going river rafting. I've never been before so I'm not to sure what to expect but I've heard it's a lot of fun.

~~later on that day~~

River rafting wasnt going as planned. The current was extremely strong today. The kids looked like thy where having trouble controlling the raft I tried helping out as much as possible but the current was too strong. "Ricky!" I could for the 10 year old boy who is in my cabin. He feel out of the raft and we where heading for rocks."Kevin I'm going in take the kids towards that beaver damn." "Ashton you can't you could get hurt!" We had to yell over the crushing water"I have to get Ricky! He's not a good swimmer!" Before Kevin could say anything I jumped into the frezzing cold water. "H-help Ash!" "I coming hold on buddy!" Ricky was holding onto a tree root sticking out of the ground on the side of the river bend. I was now trying to fight the current and swimming over to Ricky. "Gotcha!" I pushed him up to the side of the rive. He was sitting on the dirt ground and shaking. "Ash! Duck!" Ricky called out. I held on to the root me turned my head. Coming right at me was huge log that must've fallen in. "No!" Ricky cried out. Everything went black.

*Maddies POV*

Jake and I were left in the bus alone after Billie shut the door to the bus. I walked over to the fridge and got an Arizona " Want one?" I asked Jakob "Umm..Yeah sure. Thanks" "No problem." We both sat on the couch quietly. Jakob opened his Arizona and took a sip, then setting down. It was very quite neither of us dare spoke a word. Jakob broke the silence by getting up and throwing his Arizona across the room. "Jakob Danger what the fuck?!" He ran towards me and hugged me. He started crying. "Shh Jakob it's ok. What's wrong?" He buried his head down into the creek of my neck. "Joey and I had an Arizona before him and mom d-died. T-they're d-dead!" He got up quickly and threw a punch into Billie's bedroom door. He fell to the ground cursing. I got up and rushed to his side. I rested my hand on his shoulder and tried comforting the best I could. "Jakob. Listen I know what it's like. My mom died not even 24 hours ago. You still have your dad. You have our dad. He loves you. Y'know that. I know that. I love you. You're my brother I'm your sister. We'll get through this together." I got up from the ground and stuck my hand out for Jakob. "Come on. Lets go check your hand." His hand was now bleeding from cuts from the wooden door. Jakob wiped his tears and grabbed my hand, suddenly pulling me into a tight hug. "I love you." He said this in a deep husky voice. I felt so safe in his arms. "I love you too."

We went into the bathroom and I poured peroxide over the cuts on his nuckles. "Shit it burns. Did I break my hand?" "Na you probably just sprained it. I've punched a lot of holes into walls before and the worse that has ever happened was I fracture part of my hand." I gave him a quick smile and he half smirked back. I grabbed some gauze and wrapped his hand in it. Then I ran and got my bag. I always carried duck tape with me. I'm weird like that. I wrapped the duck tape around the gauze and his hand. "That should do." His eyes lite up and hugged me again. "Let's go watch Green Day." I followed him out of the door. I looked back at Billie's door. Fuck that was going to be kinda hard to explain. Billie shouldn't care that much. He probably punched a hole in a wall or door before. I guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree.

*Maddie's POV*

Billie, Mike , and Trè just got done with the show and we were all heading back to the bus. Trè was giving me a piggyback ride. I quickl jumped off and rushed in front of the crowd. Billie tried to go pass me but I slapped his hand when he reached for the door. "Maddie?" "Before we go in I gotta tell you something. I threw an Arizona and didn't clean it up so it's everywhere in the kitchen and then I slapped Jakob and he ran to see what was wrong but I slammed your bedroom door but when I did that Jakob reached out and his hand went through the door. Sorry it's all my fault." Jakob looked surprised. Mike and Trè looked kinda confused and said we will come back around 12am to watch a movie, then they left to go take showers. "Dad it wasnt Maddie I threw the Arizona and punched a hole in your door." "No. It was me he's just trying to cover for me." Billie turned around and he looked at the door. I mouthed to Jake " Let me cover for you!" He mouthed back "no." Billie turned back to me and Jake. "Guys just give me the truth I don't give a fuck who ruined the door, but I hate lairs. So who was it?" At the same time Jake and I both said " It was me!" "Maddie stop trying to cover I don't need your help!" "I didn't want you to get in trouble! Billie already hates me!"

*Billie's POV*

It's kinda sweet that Maddie was trying to cover for Jakob, but I knew she didn't do any of it. "I didn't want you to get in trouble! Billie already hates me!" Hate her? How could I hate her she was my daughter! I love her. Why didn't she believe that? " Maddie I don't hate you!" "You only "love" me because Im a suicidal freak who doesn't have anybody else to turn to!" I'm such a fuck up. What would make her think this? "Maddie shut the hell up you don't knew what you're talking about I love you just as much as Jakob." I rushed toward both my kids and ingulf them into a group hug. I can hear Maddie softly crying. I rub her back and kiss both f them on the head. " We an fix the door in their morning when we get into San Diego. For now you two go clean up the Arizona and I'm going to go get into the shower." They both nod and get to work.

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