Chapter 23

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*Maddie's POV*

Jake, Billie and I headed to the doctors to get the DNA test. I'm still in shock that he might be my dad. Everything in my life was happening so fast everything was so sudden. My fucking mother just died! What the hell was I doing here?! I started feeling uneasy."Pullover!" I screamed to Billie. "What?" "Dad she's going to be sick! Look at her! Pull the good damn car over!" As soon as jake said that I opened the door and Billie pulled over to the side of the rode. I stumbled out of the car to a bush. Jake came over to pull my hair out of the way. Jakob was really something. I've thrown up twice in the past hour and he's held my hair booth times. He's already a great big brother. Any girl would be lucky to have him."Thanks Jakob." "It's nothing. How you feelin?" "Not great. I started thinking about my mom and how she's... Y'know...dead...I guess it just got to me..." We started heading back to the car "it doesn't matter what the DNA test say. You're always going to be my sister. He kissed my head and went back to the passenger seat of Billies car. I walked up to Billie saying sorry we had to stop and how we're going to be late for the DNA test. "It's ok. I'm just glad you're feeling better now." He rubbed my back and gave me a quick hug. I could get use to the love and affection. I've never really had anything like this before. Mom was never one for showing alot of emotion. She kinda just kept to herself, but when she did show emotion it was always big and you always remembered it.

*Jakob's POV*

As we arrived at the doctors office my dad went to sign us in. I was really hoping Maddie was my sister. I've always wanted a sister protect and watch over. I really miss Joey and having him there isn't anybody to joke around and hang out with. Yeah there is Uncle Trè but he's not the same any more. Dads kinda changing his personality. He makes a funny joke or something and dad yells at him. Uncle Trè has been pretty quite lately and it's starting to worry me. "Armstrong family we are ready to see you." I nurse called while holding the door open for us.

*Billie's POV*

We walked into a little rooms and then the nurse closed the door. "Who are we testing today?" "Us." I pulled Maddie towards me. "Okay. Please I have a seat and open both of your mouths. I'm going to put a q-tip in your mouths and collect some saliva." After the nurse did this to both Maddie and I she in closed them in separate test tubes with our names on the side of the test tubes. "We're ate going to send these Ito the lab and they'll call you to go over the information found. It should take around 1 weeks or so." "Thank you." We all walked out of the doctors and headed to the car. "Dad, can we stop and get some food I'm hungry." "Sure thing Jake, Maddie where do you wanna eat at." "I don't know I've never been to LA before." "Dad can we go to that one place mom took us too?" I didn't want to go there but it really seemed like Jakob wanted to go and he's been down lately so anything to help him. "Why not. Lets go."

*Maddie's POV*

We all sat down at a table and a waitress came to take our order. "Hello. My name is Ashely's and I will be your server today. What can I get you all?" She was really pretty. I could tell Billie was happy. He lite up as soon as he saw her.

*Billie's POV*

"Hello. My name is Ashely's and I will be your server today. What can I get you all?" Wow. She was beautiful. Her brown straight hair glistens in the sunlight. Her eyes are stunning. They're a cocoa brown. Those dimples. I couldn't stop staring. I wonder if she knew who I was?

*Ashely's POV*

After I got done speaking I was speechless. Billie Joe Armstrong was right infront of me. He was really something. I wasn't a huge fan but I knew who Green Day was. I didn't want to make a scene and scream "Oh my god it's Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day!" I decided just to serve him and his family like he was a normal person. Damn this was going to be hard he was so hot.

*Jakob's POV*

After we got done eating we went out of the car."Shit guys I'll be right back I forgot my wallet in the booth. Dad headed back towards the diner. " y'know he's going in their to see the waitress." Maddie pointed this out. "No he's not he just forgot his wallet." Dad couldn't have a crush on her, mom just died like 3 months ago. It was way too soon to move he just couldn't move on that fast.

*Billie's POV*

I walked into the diner with my eyes on my phone not paying attention to where I was going. "Shit. Sorry." I bumped into Ashley as she was talking the dirty dishes from where Maddie, Jakob , and I where sitting. "It's not your fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I forgot my wallet. Have you seen it?" "N-no but I'm sure it's just in the booth somewhere." See reached down to cushion of the booth and grabbed my wallet. I tried not to stair at her as she bent over, but damn she was beautiful. "Here you go." She said with a smile. "Thanks." I have her a quick peck on the check and walked out blushing. What the fuck did I do that for?!

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