Chapter 2

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*Maddie's POV*

I rush out of the shower and start to blow dry my hair. Ash rushes in and helps me straighten my hair. Having a bi guy best friend comes in handy at times. "Do you think we'll meet them?" He sounded like a little puppy. He was cute at times. In a little kid way I could never like him he was like my brother. I was an only child so I always thought of him as a sibling. " I'm not sure I hope I so it would be cool to meet our idols y'know? Come on let's get going"

*Ash's POV*

She looked amazing. Maddie was the perfect girl. Her brown hair with blue streaks was amazingly straight and it blew in the wind as we walked to the fair park. I could never like her though she's my sis. It would be way too weird. Plus I'm more into guys. I remembers the first day we meet. I just kissed a boy. It was my first kiss I was in 3rd grade. Lets just say the boy and I got in a fight he wasnt gay or bi and Maddie was there to beat him up for me. She ways so tough at such a young age. As we walked down the hall to the principles office she told me she didn't care if I was gay or bi I was still human and didn't deserve the name calling and bullying. I've always kinda looked up to her.

"Shit Ash watch where you're walking!" She grab the back of my plaid unbuttoned shirt. "Sorry Mads I was just thinking" " it's okay bud. Hey nice shirt" she pointed to our matching dookie shirts we bought off of amazon. I always wore a shirt under a plaid unbuttoned shirt it was kinda my thing.

*Maddie's POV*

As we walked into the fair grounds I saw a huge line. "No! Ash that's for the concert!" I almost started crying. Green Day saved my life! I have to see them live. I was 10 when I was home alone sitting in the bathroom with a suicide note and a knife in my hand. I was going to slit my wrist. I was rape at a young age and nobody beside Ash knows about it. Not even my mom. My dad was and has always been out of the picture. He knocked up my mom and left right after she gave birth to me. Ive always been the outsider with Ash at school. we would be called homo goth emo weird punks and so many more horid names. thats probadly why we got along so good. Back to the suicide. I was about to slit my wrist when the power went out and a few seconds later it came back on and Green Day's song 'Basket Case' started playing. I remember listening to Green Day when I was really young. I guess I forgot about them before that day. After that I could never stop thinking about them and how I wanted to share my story with them or at least see them in person. To tell you the truth I would be scared shitless if I were to ever talk to or come face to face with any of them. "Calm down. It fine shh." Ash started comforting me knowing I would probably have a panic attack. "Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once.." He started singing the lyrics to Basket Case knowing it always calmed me down. "T-thanks Ashton." I smiled lightly. " we can find a way in. Like do you know who you're friends with? I can get us anything and everything." He was kinda right he had a very charming personality. I smiled at him and grab for his hand. (In a friendly way)

Time of our life A Green Day FanficWhere stories live. Discover now