5 []Trust[]

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Our hotel room had two beds. It was me and Sedecca in one and Aric and Rydian in the other. The beds seemed to be extremely comfortable, but the room possessed a temperature that was absolutely freezing. We all tried our best to sleep, pulling up the hotel sheets all the way up to our necks. Eventually, we all managed to drift into the world of unconsciousness, but it was a difficult task to do especially when I had kept undergoing thoughts about my parents that wouldn't go away.

They were dead. They were gone...forever.

In the middle of the ice tainted air of the night, I remember crying. Because I was girl who had just lost her mom and her dad. I was a girl who experienced death before my very eyes. My life was never going to be the same. I was never going to see my parents again. We now lived in a world with a horrible infection that ripped away more good people from this life everyday.

There was no way to avoid these horrible thoughts. The tears were hot and sticky in comparison to the cold atmosphere around me. I didn't want to cry anymore...I really didn't, but the pain was unbearable.

That night I quietly cried myself to sleep. It was the first night I've ever experienced without my parents. And the first night when this apocalypse became real.


Light poured through the windows of the room, cascading off of the walls and onto our tired, drowsy faces and we all knew what it meant. Morning. I forced all dismal thoughts out of my head and focused solely on the positivity of the world. It was difficult, but I could manage.

"Get up everyone!" Sedecca beckoned just loud enough for everyone to hear through their void of dreams. A series of groans and yawns followed, seeming louder each time. She was definitely a morning person. I heaved a sigh. "Wake up Butt-face." She teased hopping up and down. I rolled over and pulled up the covers causing her to fall and roll off the mattress. "GET UP!" She screamed. I sat up with drowsy eyes, then closed them once again and my body went limp and flopped onto the mess of sheets and pillows. She viciously threw off the covers and left.

If she couldn't get me to wake up, I knew she'd find another strategy. So instead of water to the face, Sedecca body slammed me and rolled from one side of the bed to the other screaming, "BULLDOZER!"

I coughed awake under her body weight, then began to erupt with giggles. "Oh my god, Esadeth your freaking HEAVY." She muttered harshly. "Wha-? You rolled over me!" I began to move into all kinds of different positions on the bed. "What are you doing, spaz?!" She asked with a laugh. "I'm trying to get comfortable because some psychopath decided to roll over me." I muttered and said, "It's too late now, I'm all awake now." I said frowning as I sat up.

She sat on the opposite side of the bed and ran a hand through her dark knots of hair. She smiled and stuck her tongue out at me. "I gotta pee." She blurted randomly, and tiptoed to the bathroom.

I snickered and turned to look at the other bed. Aric was awake trying to get Rydian to wake up. "Dude!" He said, shaking him and moving the entire bed with him. "Y'know what?" Aric faintly whispered. "Mmm..." Rydian said incoherently. Aric then pushed Rydian off of the bed altogether and he landed with a thud on the carpeted ground.

Both me and Aric were in hysterics, laughing uncontrollably. Surprisingly, he was still half-asleep. Rydian just pulled the covers up to his neck and wrapped up like a little cocoon. "Five more minutes mom!" Rydian muttered. Aric leaned towards me and whispered "You try." I shrugged and wondered Why not? So I leaned over next to him and plugged his nose. His eyes flew open and I tumbled back laughing so hard you couldn't even hear it.

Striving to Survive [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now