Chapter 23 - Mr. Santiago

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Santiago." I greeted, sending him what I hoped was a flirty smile and by the look he was giving me I could only assume it was.

"It's always a pleasure Ms. Woods. Are you free right now? I actually have something I'd like to show you in my classroom that I think you'll like. Only if you have a couple minutes to spare, of course." Mr. Santiago said sending me his million dollar smile. I nodded in response and began to follow him down the hallway and towards his classroom in silence.

We entered his empty classroom and hesitantly I shut the door behind me praying I was reading his signals right. When he sat down at the large black leather chair behind his desk and stared at me as he rubbed the back of his hand over his light stubble, not making a move to find anything that he might wanna show me, I immediately released a breath of relief realizing I definitely had not been imagining all the signs.

I made my way over to him, purposely swaying my hips more than usual in an attempt to look seductive. I could only assume it was working by the way his eyes followed my every move. I kept a cool, alluring smile on my face as I made my way over to him but internally I was freaking out. I was literally debating pinching myself to see if this was a dream.

I, Willow Woods, am about to hookup with the sex god that is Mr. Santiago. Quite frankly, the fact that the entire situation is very illegal was the last thing I was thinking about as I stepped into the space between Mr. Santiago's legs. His arms wrapped around my waist and soon I was being pulled down to the chair so that I was straddling his lap, his hands resting on my ass to keep me from falling backwards.

He removed one of his strong calloused hands from my behind and brought it up to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. He took my chin between his thumb and index finger and I found myself wondering how such rough hands could feel so f*cking soft.

He pulled my face down to his slowly, as if we had all the time in the world. It was so different from every other kiss I'd ever had, Mr. Santiago's lips moved slowly, almost teasingly slow. I kept trying to speed the kiss up, more out of habit than anything else, but he wouldn't give in. I meant to let out an annoyed groan at his teasing, but his tongue entered my mouth, and it ended up sounding more like a moan. The anticipation made the kiss a thousand times more hot, not to mention the idea that someone could walk through the door at any second made it a hundred times more intense.

As the kiss sped up and our tongues fought for dominance, I felt Mr. Santiago's hands grab the hem of my knitted sweater. I separated my lips from his just long enough for him to get the sweater over my head and off. I pushed my hips against his accidentally as I deepened the kiss, and he let out a loud moan that I prayed no one heard. Just as I was pushing his white t-shirt up so I could feel his defined abs and muscular chest, my phone started ringing. I pulled away causing Mr. Santiago to release a sigh and took my phone out of my back pocket. I pressed decline call when I saw Slate's name, only to see that I had two missed text messages from him, asking where I was.

"F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck." I mumbled as I hurriedly got off of Mr. Santiago, grabbed my sweater off the ground and quickly pulled it over my head.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Santiago asked as he got off the chair and fussed with his jeans (for obvious reasons).

"I have to go, but this was fun, we should do it again sometime. Bye Mr. Santiago." I said sending him one last wink as I fixed my now messy hair and made my way over to the door. Just as I was about to exit his classroom I heard him call out to me.

"You can call me Nathan, Ms. Woods." He said and I turned back just enough to see him with a playful smirk on his face.

"Bye Nathan." I said already feeling a blush making it's way to my cheeks as I pulled the door open and left. My phone started to ring again and this time I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked, already knowing it was Slate but playing dumb just for the hell of it.

"Where are you?" He asked in his typical fashion, completely disregarding any pleasantries.

"Near the library." I responded, keeping my voice monotone.

"Do you think I know where the f*ck the library is?" Slate said, clearly becoming annoyed with my antics.

"Obviously not." I responded sassily and I heard him grumble at my response.

"Baby, just stop being stubborn and meet me at your locker." He said and I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Whatever." I mumbled into the phone before hanging up and making my way to my locker that was just in the next hall. Slate was already leaning against my locker when I got there. I mirrored his position and leaned on the locker next to mine so that we were both facing each other.

"We're going to the tracks tonight and I told everyone not to say anything to you, because Rage is supposed to be there. Not because we don't want you there. AJ is just a f*cking dumbass who can't keep his mouth shut." Slate said and as cheesy as it sounds, I honestly felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders at his words.

"Well that's not very nice." AJ said from behind me, causing me to turn around in surprise. Christian, AJ and Alec were all standing behind me with culpable smiles on their face. I hadn't even heard them approach us.

"We're sorry, we'll never listen to what that idiot tells us to do ever again." Christian said nodding his head in Slate's direction as he said 'idiot', causing Slate to glare at him in return.

"You guys don't have to apologize, I wasn't mad at you." I was mad at myself, I wanted to say.

"Group hug!" Christian announced and all the guys except Slate came and wrapped their arms around me causing me to laugh.

"AJ get your hand off my ass." I said causing Christian and Alec to laugh their asses off as we all pulled away.

"Sorry Willow, I thought it was Christian's ass I was touching." AJ said smirking and even Slate was laughing this time.



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I feel like there was a lot of dialogue in this chapter but it was more to develop the characters more and show their relationships with each other :D Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! If you are one of the people who loves the action/plot twists than get ready for the next chapter because there is going to be plenty of that :D

Also, I just wanted to share my thoughts about something I see on other stories and it bothers me soooooo much. I absolutely hate when people leave comments saying something like "this would never happen in real life" or anything along those lines... Like books are an outlet for creativity, IT'S A BOOK, IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE REALISTIC. (obviously to a certain extent, like it should make sense, but you get my drift) LOL anyways I just needed to rant about that for a second.




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