0.1 September 19, 2003- September 20, 2003

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In honor of the 1.8 phone call about lost virginity, I decided to post the prequel. This story will be posted much slower, because If I don't there will be spoilers for 2.0. This is before Jaime though, so it's Mari and Vic getting together, why her and Mike are so salty, and a bit more on Lindsey. This also has my favorite cameo of the story when Beau Bokan pops in and... In 3.0 I almost turned it back to Vic because I was editing this and I love their unhealthy disfunction. Okay, that's spoilers all over the place.... Begin.
"No, they're letting me take one extra class." I told my mom. I slipped the long-corded phone onto my shoulder and opened the fridge door, closing it back again after a few bored seconds.

"Honey, that's a lot of school work." She told me. College couldn't be that much harder than High school though, right? I mean, people say it's a lot harder, but I'm only going twice a week instead of every day. It sounds easier.

"I know mom, but I'm talking to Dave and he says that he thinks I can handle it. And Mr. B helped me find good classes. Lindsey said she would make sure that I still knew what was going on back at El Capitan and-"

My mom's voice cut me off. "I'm not concerned about your social life. I'm concerned about your grades and your stress level. You worry like your father."

"Don't say that, please." I told her. I didn't want to be compared to my dad. I don't like him and I don't want to be reminded that half of my gene pool comes from him.

"It's true. But you're also ambitious like me, and if you think that you can handle all this then I believe you. If you put your mind to it, I think you'll manage. Tell me your schedule again so I can write it down." She cooed. I could just imagine her sitting at her desk, glasses perched in her nose as she wrote in that elegant, loopy way that she does.

I smiled,; knowing that I had her support was everything to me. "I have Literacy 1 and College Algebra on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I have Introduction to Musical Theory and Piano 1 on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"And what class are you still taking at the High School?" She asked, I could hear the preoccupation in her voice as she was writing.

"English 4, only. It's seventh period with Mr. B, because I just wanted to spend senior year with him. So I'll get out of school just like regular time. And then I have a meeting with Dave, for work, on Wednesdays. I have two hours each day that I've promised to the foundation for teaching, and then Friday mornings they have me scheduled for- let me see." I went over to the counter that I had strewn my papers out on, looking for my Friday assignments. 

"Dave- that's your boss?" Mom said.

"Yeah, Dave Yaden. He's the guy who founded the foundation, I guess. So, we teach kids how to play piano and then we also play events, like at schools or churches. I think I'm going to have every Friday at a nursing home, so that should be pretty cool." I explained.

"Well, senior year will be a big change for you, sweetie. College classes, and your first job. I wish I was there for you." I heard her sigh wistfully. Having her gone has been hard for me, but I feel like it has been worse for her because she thinks she abandoned me. I guess she did, but I don't feel that way about it.

Two years ago she ran off to Dallas with the guy she had been cheating on my dad with. I think I should be mad at my mom, after all she cheated, but I knew how my dad acted so I was more jealous than anything; she got to leave. I stayed to graduate from El Capitan High School, and because I thought my dad needed help. He doesn't want it, so right after graduation I'm going straight to Dallas, even if it means staying with my step dad, Rod, and his two kids, Peyton and Austin. I've even worked hard so I'll be graduating in December. I can't wait to move to Texas then.

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