0.7 October 1, 2003- October 3, 2003

15 1 0

I got home, and calling Vic was the first thing that I did. "Are you home safe?"

"I am tucked safely into bed." I lied. I was still stripping out of my jeans, but he didn't need to know that.

"Now you're just teasing me." He laughed from deep in his chest.

"I'm- oh no I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." I pleaded.

His laugh changed, and I could tell that he was amused with me embarrassment. "Hey, it's fine. No one can hear us now, right? I can't lose my job over a phone conversation. Tell me more."

I felt my face heat up and my mouth got dry. I really hadn't been trying to make things sexual, but he clearly wanted them to be sexual. He knew much better than I did when things should be... like that. "Well, it's a little cold- but I don't think I want to put my jeans back on. I guess I'll just stay under the blanket and keep warm."

"You're cold in August?" He sounded a bit in disbelief.

"Well I wouldn't be if I put on shorts, but then I'd be too hot. You know? Just my lace underwear, once my body warms up the blanket, it's perfect." I tried to sound confident, but I think it came ot more like a question. I tried to be sexy, but I was failing miserably.

"Yeah, it is." He agreed. I think he understood how bad I was at this, but he was trying to be kind.

"It would be nice to have a shirt though. If you were here, maybe I could take yours." I said, wondering how just badly I was actually failing at dirty talk. I knew I was bad, but now I was bad and overthinking things, so the nerves are starting to build up in the worst way. I can feel my face burning against my cool pillow case. 

Vic didn't seem to mind how terribly I was doing, at least. "I think I'd leave mine with yours on the floor. I'd rather have just you to keep me warm."

"Really?" I said before I could stop myself. I was giddy, and letting the simplicity of his words get to me. I knew, logically, that he was just saying sweet nothing, but it was working! I could barely stifle the bubbly laugh in my throat.

Vic sighed and he souded so contented. "Of course. I'd lay down there beside you, and keep you safe all night."

"I think I'd like that. Your fingers tracing circles on my stomach, and cold toes sliding up my leg." I imagined, laying back into the mattress, and really letting my imagination get the best of me. The way that Vic was so calm was making me calm. I can be mature about this. I'm more than just a little high school virgin, I am also a grown sexy woman. 

"Absolutely. I could smell your hair that would be stuck all in my face." Vic teased me

"What? Ew." I laughed. The mood as a whole was lightened. Maybe it is better if we stay more innocent like this.

"You're the one talking about cold toes. I thought we were going for realism here." He defended himself.

"No. We're going for sweet and cute here. And you can't complain about my hair- if you were little spoon it'd be just as weird." I told him truthfully. The thought made me really uncomfortable, although the thought of being that close to him, either way, did hold some appeal. 

"I would never be little spoon. I'm the man I this relationship." He said with a 'manly' growl on the end.

I couldn't help but laugh, rolling onto my side so that gravity held the phone. It felt really good to be talking to him. Even here, alone in the dark, I didn't feel lonely. Since mom left, coming home has been a chore. I don't like having people over in case dad comes home drunk, and there's not really much to do at my house anyway. Talking with Vic is something to do though. He makes me feel like I have a friend that can come over to my house, even though there's no way I'm ever letting him here. That would be so embarrassing; I have no idea what goofy childhood stories my dad would come up with. I mean, i hope that he meets Vic someday, but I hope they never meet too. My dad would scare Vic away forever.  

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