Chapter 4

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We want on May fieldtrips, my favorite, and her favorite, is the iceskating fieldtrip. I liked it because it was a fun new experience that was hard, but I got the hang of it. The part where people made fun of me most is when I was in the bus after, because Nicole fell asleep on my arm, and people were making fun me like a lot. I was so happy, yet so mad, and was. When she woke up she didn't know she fell asleep on my shoulder. so I had to tell her the best dau. and she was shocked, and worried we would be made fun of more. I told her don't worry I got it under control. when we went on the best fieldtrip, I told her not to worry. I made sure everyone wouldn't make fun of us. I told everyone why do like making fun of us. so they stoped after that. that was the last fieldtrip. before the iceskating fieldtrip I was in cross-country. whenever I felt tired I thought of all the bad things, and turned into energy. I also thought of Nicole. She was a person who keep me going. Kaleb said when Captain America Civil war comes out he would take me to ot. so I started to hang out with him more. I was so thankful for that. When Nicole was down I would always make her feel better. When I feel down she makes me feel better. We were the people who were scared, or didn't know what to do. it was just that way, we couldn't control it.

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