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IT IS SAID that we spend half our waking hours spinning fantasies, daydreaming about happy endings that we wish will come true

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IT IS SAID that we spend half our waking hours spinning fantasies, daydreaming about happy endings that we wish will come true.

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I hadn't spent most of my life lamenting over the past and worrying about the future. But for the first time in my life, I was living in the moment. And how beautiful of a moment it was for my biggest dream to have been realized.

Finding Prince Charming.

I knew this as deeply as I knew that his eyes were blue. Driving through the city, talking into the wee hours of the night, laughing until my cheeks hurt, and crying because I knew this love to be true; it was my version of my very own fairytale.

And I didn't want to wake up from it, never wanted it to end.

"England seems to suit you," Raleigh murmured after we'd finished our wandering the starlight streets and had eventually moved to Raleigh's flat, glasses of wine in hand. "Not everybody acclimates so quickly."

I smiled, cheeks heating at the compliment. "Well, I had a so-so tour guide."

Raleigh gazed at me for a long moment, tapping a finger against his lips thoughtfully. "Is that what I am to you, Delilah? A tour guide?"

My stomach squirmed. No, that wasn't all Raleigh was to me, at least not all I would like him to be. But now he was looking at me with a strange kind of intensity, making my insides feel liquid and my thoughts feel unsteady. "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so please tell me if my comments are unwelcome, but I find you to be a rather incredible young woman, and I'd quite like to kiss you."

"Riddle me this first," I told him, heartbeat thumping against skin. "That night we met, what made you want to dance with me? You could have anybody you want. A room full of hot shots, and you ask the odd woman out? Why me? I was a complete mess, back then."

Raleigh huffed a small laugh. "I think you're overstating my assets and greatly underestimating yours."

I smirked. "Maybe."

"I remember that night like it was yesterday." He said, gaze lucid. "Your hair was half-up and half curling around your shoulders and it showed off those delicate ears, that refined jaw and throat. But it was your eyes that caught me, those beautiful stormy eyes that could be so sharp and yet in that moment, when we were slow dancing, were so soft, the look on your face almost...longing. How could I have wanted anybody else?" He asked. "You were the most incredible woman in the room — you were the only that I could see."

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