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By: Jayfeather__

...has anyone of you went though a depression stage? If did you cope?

Mostly everyone:*raises a hand*

Levi: and I cut at a young age to....when I was with Kenny I hated to be a assassin and...i-i ran away and cut...than I had Farlan and Isabel.... But they died and I started again

Eren: ....when my mom died.....Armin and mikasa never knew about it

Mikasa: when my parents died....but than I had the Jaeger family take me in....until both died again

Admin: well apparently I'm emo and that includes me in depression.... At school they say that as a joke they think its funny....but I'm seriously struggling and there the cause of it...I get bullied,teased, humiliated, I've been called faggot, and other names like that because I like yaoi and yuri, they don't know my secret. They don't know how much I struggle to grab my gun and shoot myself they don't know how much it hurts to only supporters are my to friends one is a grade above me and is graduating this year the other is a grade below me I'm leaving next year...there the only reason I'm still alive.

Levi: I found eren and I never want to leave him he's my antidepressant *hugs him*

Eren: I realized I have people to live for all my kids my family and friends what would ever happen if I left them

Admin: ... But what I wanna know is why the fuck is everyone so depressed.... Can't we all be happy for once in our lives and live before we do something I wanna regret...pretty much every online friend I have is depressed .....okay I know I shouldn't say that I don't know why y'all are doing that or who or what made you...someone may have died, or your bullied , so if I offended you....I'm sorry

So if your struggling or have "battle scars" just know someone out there loves you but there to much of a coward to say so and even if I haven't meet you personally I know you are a good person and have a good heart take these words from my friend it might not apply to you but it may make you smile like it did to me

"No its not fine ______ they shouldn't be treating you like this. Just don't care. Because those people aren't important in your life. Your a good girl(or guy if your a guy) ______. You don't pick on others for being different.I like different heh. Your nice and cool to talk to. I used to get bullied all the time.but I just stood with people who were nice to me. Like ________ was my only friend in _ grade. Than _ grade it got hard. But I had ______ and ________. This year I'm with ___, _____, ______, and _______. My friends kinda expanded but nor much. Mostly _______.but don't let people get to you. Just don't hang out with them.if they say anything mean to you. Than just shoot them with I do with alex. If they call you a word say something back and if you in trouble for it say they were saying mean and tell them what they have told you. Don't be like me and stay quiet. I was quiet and I got depression and started cutting but I told my parents and they gave me help . tell the principal if that didn't help. You shouldn't listen to them because your better than them."

So everyone if you ever need a friend or just someone to talk to message me or ask for my kik and well talk. :3

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