taged again

224 9 128

Tagged by:lizy_the_lizard
I've already done it and I've been tagged about 10 times already but I feel like doing it now

1.what is your dream job
Being a writer I love to read so I wanna be that

2.what is your favorite child's name
IDK I've always like the names my cousin's and friends have

3. Who is your crush
a lot of people mostly anime or book characters.

(News flash I am bi shhhhh don't tell everyone)

4.what's your favorite country
Idk prob the one I live in

5.do you have a hobby
Yea to read

6.what were your childhood dreams and thoughts
I wanted to be pretty have a boyfriend all that stuff turned out to only wear black and stay in my room reading yaoi

7.do you prefer science or literature

8.what's your favorite show
Attack on titan,fairy tail,soul eater,sword art online, and blue exorcist

9 favorite fruit and veggies
Strawberries and celery

10.what celeb do you hate the most
Justin beiber can he fall into tartarus ......PLEASEEE

11.do you have any fandoms
Pfft at least 20

12.favorite color and why
Black and blue idky I just do

13.do you have any obsessions
Reading ereri yaoi

14.do you have pets
Two dogs

15.who's your favorite youtuber
alot prob vandetta so far

16.job you hate most
I'm 12 sooi really nothing

17.what gets you annoyed or angry
Being a girl and a yangire sometimes anything

18.practice any sports
Volleyball, soccer,basketball,a lot more

19.what's your favorite food

20,tag people
I'm staying with friends

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