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Well sorry but here's another story of my sad life

......my school has changed completely and I might change schools and because my school is behind and so am I my parents want me to get a tutor .....I'm go for it if they can put up with my attitude and won't criticise my fandoms ..….I just started thinking about ereri tutor fanfics afterwards

Well we went to the rodeo.....again and we went on one ride that had spun us around,had smoke,and covered you and I was at the end so my mom and cousin were on my leg and now it hurts sooooo much I almost hit the lever that unlocked the safety bar

Because I don't talk a lot ( I rather stay under my covers writing,reading,and watching anime) my dad said why don't we put a chip in her brain so we could know what she's saying and my mom was all yeah that would be cool and I just sat there quietly thinking you don't want to know what's in my brain because you'll get dirty jokes,perverted/dirty mind,yaoi,yuri,intense cussing,or secret murder schemes

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