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Give Levi a kitten and say "happy birthday" also,if you don't mind putting me in there, I'd like to put a cake in his face

Hehehe *gives Levi a black cat* HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Levi: its not my birthday brat

Eren:AWWWW so you don't want your present

Levi: did you say present

Eren:yea a big one to its over here*lead him to a present bigger than him *

Levi:uhhhh okayyyyy

Meghan :*Burt's out*HAPPY BIRTHDAY *throws cake in his face*

Levi:(ಠ_ಠ) I want to ground you for a year but I also don't

Eren: I don't think so she planed the surprise after all

Levi: tsk..fine but don't think your off the hook

Meghan:I am the worst daughter to y'all ever

Eren: ehh not really my sides still hurt from his shocked face

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