CHAPTER 1- Left her with nothing! Not even underwear...

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According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Valor/Valour (chiefly British variant) - Courage or Bravery; the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery.

Just to make it clear :)



CHAPTER 1- Left her with nothing! Not even underwear...

"Oh, crud. Oh, crud. Oh, crud." Espen cursed under her breath as she dove right past an unstable wagon carrying tons of baggage in a full and busy street.

The coachman muttered a curse as the wagon nearly toppled over because of her. Taking quick breaths, She looked back behind her to find three men following her, toppling over the same wagon she did just moments before. Some of the carriage's baggage fell to the dirty cobbled street. Horses neighed. A man cursed.

"Hey get back here, Colin Norris!" One of the men chasing her called out, shoving a large crate in the wagon in annoyance causing it to topple over as well.

"It's Espen, you deranged fool!" She called back, quickly dashing to a narrow alley leading to the town market full of people. She spared a glance behind her just in time to find the man driving the wagon look at the man of the law in disbelief.

"What do you think you are doing just stomping over my property?" The coachman's voice was heavy with thick Italian accent.

The knight looked at the old obese coachman, whom Espen immediately took a liking, with frustration and a palm held up in defense. "Sir, I am a Knight. I have a duty and am on a mission-"

"I don't care about your goddarn missionary!" The coachman exclaimed, hands extended on all sides. "But you ain't leaving without fixing the damage you've done. Some knights you are." He mocked; the knight's jaws were wide with disbelief.

"Sir-" The knight paced then combed his blonde hair with his armored fingers in irritation and sighed gravely. "Fine." He grumbled and began picking up the cases quickly, he motioned gravely for his companions to help him with a grim look.

Espen smirked and nodded her head in approval. "See ya'll later--" She began walking forward to escape while the men chasing her were still busy. Her gaze were still intact with amusement on the knights when she suddenly squeaked when large hands cupped her shoulders tightly.

"Ha! Got you." A male voice exclaimed triumphantly.

Espen, surprised and dumbfounded, slowly looked up at the source of the voice to find the medieval iron man himself. Jesse Crawford was a 7 footer of a man. He had olive smooth skin that made Espen wonder if he had ever been a woman, men would go crazy for beauty like his with his golden hair framed around his chiseled jaw. Espen watched as his cheeks strethched when the knight let out a devilish smile.

Espen swallowed and made her shock seem unnoticeable.

She stared at him blankly. "Really, now?" She smirked for a few awkward moments then suddenly she stared horrified at the Knight's broad shoulder. "What is that on your shoulder?!" She shrieked and tried to wriggle away.

"That won't work on me, criminal."

"I'm serious! There's a huge spider on your shoulder!" Espen yelled in disgust. Of course it was another trick to get away but what he didn't know was that there really was a spider, a tarantula, on his right shoulder.

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