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Luke sat at the edge of the white, sheeted bed and rubbed his hand harshly over his face. He had given Michael time to cool down after they had fought. He knew Michael had ran some where in the hotel when he was to do what their management had said; pack their things and get ready for the next city.

Luke was obviously stressed with this tour, and his and Michael's patchy relationship. He loved Michael a lot. In fact, he had for a while. He just never got the courage to speak the words to his fluffy haired band mate, and had only recently had gotten him in bed. Luke had not only bedded Michael for his body, although he had quite a nice one, but for the fact Luke loved him. He just didn't know how to tell him.

'Fuck, what if he thinks I just used him for sex?'

Luke's hands went up to his dirty blond hair and gripped it tightly, his head bowed toward his lap. He could feel his eyes burn at the thought. He loved Michael and would never do that to him- or anyone for the matter.

Luke was rather implosive when he speaks his words. He honestly didn't even know why he said he wasn't gay.

He obviously was for Michael.

In all honesty, all Luke was scared of was coming out. What if all the people he knew and cared about turned his and hers backs on him.

He thought about what Michael would say if he'd herd Luke's thoughts.

'Fuck them, Luke. Their opinions don't affect you or your life.'

Luke smiled weakly. Yeah, that was something he would say.

Sighing once more, Luke sat up right. He had to go apologize to Michael. 

And Calum.


this book will most likely have  like 10-15 chapters. just to let y'all know.

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