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[Note: Long Rang. Kinda angst-filled & partially unedited. But as the title says: whatever]

Okay so like, today was interesting. I went to my friend's house with a few my other friend's and we made waffles that were the colour blue(yes, I now understand that "blue waffle" is a slang term for a sexual disease, please just don't bring it up. I'm fragile and thank you for ruining another thing for me internet. I really do appreciate it) and it was a lot of fun. We laughed, joked around, and it was fantastic.

We were also planning teams and fundraising ideas for a school event we're doing called Relay for Life. It's a cancer related charity where you gather approximately 10 people, form a team and then raise about $100 each. Then you go to school from 7pm to 7am on a Friday in May and walk around the school track for 12 hours.

Sounds fun(feels fun)right? Well, yeah it does. Getting to chill with your close friends for 12 hours outside on a nice summer day, it's all very nice. But what wasn't nice was that my friends and I only had 5 people as a team. We needed at least ten.

Two of my friends were kinda stuck on one team because three of us weren't there during lunch when everything was being discussed. And one of my friends is kinda shy around people she isn't very close with, so telling the other team who asked her to join "no" wouldn't have been the easiest decision.

Since we already had 2/5 of our team with another, we thought, "why not just combine both teams together and problem solved".


Because the 'other team' was of people(really only three)who hate me. I'm not very find of them either so it's a mutual disliking. But the thing was is that those three girls had no interest of me being on their team, with one of them even saying I was "a given no" and that if my friends really wanted me they could "make their own team"

At first they said they said they didn't want me because they didn't want to raise more money, but one of the girls was actually being quiet reasonable. She said that we were practically strangers to one another and that unneeded tension could arise from us being on a team together. And she wasn't exactly wrong, as this was very likely to happen if you couldn't already tell.

Things got heated when one of my friends called one of the girls a bitch for making a big deal out of nothing and the girl called my friend an insensitive asshole. People started to leave group chats, some were getting kicked out it was just shit storm after bloody shit storm. Over absolutely nothing.

But that wasn't what annoyed us,(yes, we were all annoyed)what annoyed us was that this was literally a stupid fundraiser that was supposed to be fun. And one of them was being so dramatic over who was on the team. The funny thing about it was that even if I was on her team(which I'm not, we figured stuff out)I wouldn't even have to talk to her or any of the other girls who hate me.

Yes, it was a team event. But each person had to individually have their own $100 to raise and walking for 12 hours is tiring. There are apparently tents and stations where people can rest while the rest of their team walks. It literally could have been my friends and I waking for one shift and her friends walking for one shift. We wouldn't have to say one word to each other.

Like, I don't like them either but I'll deal with having to share a team with them if it means we can all do the damn relay run/walk/jog, because it's honestly not that big a deal. Again, it's a fucking fundraiser for cancer research. Who cares who's on your team? That's not the reason you're doing the charity event. You're doing it to raise money for cancer research. That's it.

Yeah, it's also a fun time to chill with your friends and to make memories, but like I said; none of those memories would involve me(like I'd want them to). But there wouldn't be memories to make without an approved team of at least 10.

It kinda soured my mood a bit , but because one day, usually depending on the job you have, the school you go to, or whatever, you're gonna have to work with people you might not like. And this sounds horrible, but that's life. You either suck it the fuck up and move on or stay pissy and angry.

Personally, as I stated quiet a bit before - yes, I don't like them, but I don't hate them because I feel like that wastes so much energy - I'm kind of done being all pissy and angry over what happened(I'm contemplating writing it in here)

Being angry about negative things of your past honestly ruins your chances of enjoying what's positively ahead for you in the future. Things only can truly getting bad for you if you let them get bad. Sometimes the situation is out of your hands and you really can't do anything about it. But most of the time, things will only get worse or awkward or messy or bad if you don't try to prevent it from reaching that point.

I'm not too sure where I'm going with this but I kinda just needed to get this out of my system. It was kind of bothering me, and I was in a a good mood, so I don't need it thing that. I also waned  to hear your input on what happened.

Thank you for reading this until the end if you did, and I hope you have/had a lovely day 💕

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