Chapter 30

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Riley's POV

We were all stretching and warming up as Miss Kate entered the Studio.

"Dancers, like usually I have an announcement to make, I thought that we should all do something together as the A-Troupe family, so I rented a little cheap house half an hour away. It's in the countryside."

"Yes", the whole A-Troupe cheered.
"Okay, then please inform your parents and you have all a day off so I see you Monday", she announced.
The team cheered again and started leaving Studio-A talking about the trip we were going to make.

I was excited as well don't get me wrong, but I wasn't best friends with the team, so I would probably be alone the whole time.

"What are you worrying about now Ri?", James asked suddenly appearing next to me.
I laughed.
"Nothing important, I was just daydreaming", I lied smiling.

"If you say so", he said smiling walking to his bag taking out his water bottle to drink.
I slipped of my point shoes I was wearing and walked over to the cubbies to take out my bag to lay them in my bag.

I tried to reach my cubby, but I was too small, how did I reached the cubby, when I laid the bag in it?
James reached the cubby and took my bag out handing it to me.

I took it and smiled thankfully to him.
"Thank you", I said opening it and laying the shoes in it.

"It was actually my fault, I wanted to take my bag some minutes ago and accidentally threw your bag to the floor, I must have put it in the wrong cubby", he excused himself.
I laughed.

We walked together with our bags to Hidalgos to drink a juice.

"NO, no, no, no, no", I said rummaging through my dance bag.
"Do you want me to drive you?", James asked entering the Music room.
"No thanks, I need to stay I have lost something", I answered getting panicked.

"What did you lost?", he asked.
"The necklace you gave me, I laid it in the bag some days ago and now it's gone, maybe someone stole it", I informed him hyperventilating.

"Riley calm down, I help you, maybe it flew on the floor when I threw your bag from the cubby, let's look there", he said walking to Studio-A.

I walked quickly behind him to Studio-A.
It was already late and I was tired, but I was desperate to find the necklace and if it was here I would find it.

James knelt down and looked under the bench.
"You don't have to stay here, it's already late and you are probably tired, I can do this on my own", I informed him.

"Don't even worry about it, also I'm not gonna let you alone here, it is really dark outside and I don't want you walking out there alone home", he added.

I smiled and blushed a little, good that he was looking under the bench and not at me.
I was happy that he cared so much about me.
"I have it", he said.

As he was about to take his head from under the bench he bumped his head on the bench.
"Oww", he groaned touching his head I walked over to him.

"Are you hurt", I asked him preoccupied taking his hand from his head and looking if there was a wound.
"No it was just a little bump", he said slowly and quiet.

I looked down to him, he was slowly watching me, eyes fixed on me.
I quickly let go off his head standing up embarrassed.

James and I had always these strange little moments what made situations always awkward.
He stood up too and gave me the necklace he was holding in his right hand.

"Thank you", I said taking the necklace from his in my hand.
"It's OK, are you ready?", he asked me.
"Yes", I said smiling.
We walked back to the Music room and picked up our bags to go home.

James's POV

We were on the way back home.
It was silent in the car.
We both didn't know what we should say.

"Are you excited for the trip?", I asked Riley trying to do some conversation.
"Yeah", she answered not sounding very convincing.
"No you're not, why?", I told her.

"I don't know, I guess that I will probably be alone the whole time", she told me playing with the rings on her fingers.
"You will be not alone", I promised her taking her hand.

She looked up to me smiling shyly.
"We are there", she added quickly.

I parked the car.
"Bye and thank you for driving me", she replied quickly opening the door stepping of the car.
"Bye", I said smiling, she closed the car door walking into her house.

A long chapter (yay).
And I updated (yay)
Yes I'm strange 😂
Question:I know that you all probably like TNS, but is there something that you annoy you guys.
Lots of things annoy me in the next step, but especially that the music always starts and ends without someone going to the stereo and that cool characters like Emily or Chloe leave the show and don't return.

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