Chapter Six

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❝reality (pronounced rɪˈalɪti or ree-al-i-tee), noun
what is real or true.❞

Ryan prepared all the kids' beds. Spencer was going to share with Phoenix, and Robin was to share with Elle, in the music room. She had a couple of spare mattresses that she could borrow from her neighbours, thank goodness, and she and Hunter were staying in her own room.

As she changed into the shirt she wore to bed every night, a voice spoke from behind her. "So that's where that shirt of mine got to."

She spun around. "Oh! Erm-"

"It went missing after the last time I came to the UK," he said, coming closer and putting his hands on her waist. "I should've known, huh?"

"Well... you left it in your dressing room when you had to leave so suddenly, so I just... took it." She giggled. "It smelled like you."

"I must say, it looks wonderful on you," he said. "But I think it'd look better on the floor."

"Horny bastard," she said, making him chuckle. "You didn't even last thirteen hours."

"I'd have to disagree with you there. Three years. I waited three years, remember?" He chuckled, before kissing her. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, kissing him back.

"God, I missed you," she mumbled against his lips.

He laughed quietly. "You have no idea," he muttered, before kissing her again.


They lay there quietly, listening to the clock on the opposite wall ticking away the seconds. The seconds became minutes, then hours. Ryan seemed tired, but happy. "I still can't believe you're here," she said softly, tracing the definition of his chest.

"Me neither," he breathed. "You never told me you got tattoos."

"Of course I told you. It was only recently, but-"

"No, I would've remembered if you had." He moved the bedcovers down slightly, revealing her shoulder. "They're quite nice."

She touched her old bullet wound. "I hated looking into the mirror and seeing that scar. It just... it was a sign of weakness. I didn't like that. So I covered it up with something I actually wanted to see."

"A bluejay."

"Of course." She kissed him. "What else would I cover that up with, hmm?"

"What was the one on your leg? I couldn't see clearly, it was dark."

"A dove." She smiled slightly. "Do you like them?"

"I love them." He kissed her hair. "I'm so glad that you're... better. That you're happy again."

"Me, too."

He smiled slightly. "You're so beautiful, Ry."

She didn't respond, just lay there. "So... you're going..."

"On the twenty-seventh. Elle will get time to rest before her examination. If she doesn't, then I'm going to write a letter and explain that she's come down with something or other, give her an extension so that she can be prepared."

"Oh, I see."

He noticed that she had gotten quiet. "Oh, honey," he said softly. "Don't be upset that we have to go so soon. I'm sorry. I would stay for longer if I could."

"N-No." She smiled up at him slightly. "I'm glad you came at all. That means... well, it means the world to me, if I'm to be honest with you. I'm just so glad that you're right here."

The Road Ahead (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 4 of The Hardships Saga)Where stories live. Discover now