Bandits Part 2

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Morgan crawled to window and set up her rifle she always carried the rifle everywhere it was her brothers and he shot it in Saudi Arabia back during the war, she had learned clean and oil it over time. But now she need to bank them thoughts think of her and well Chad the sicko. She looked out at the sniper noticing he was about twenty. She hated killing a living person but she told herself of how they raped Donnie and left him to die,Donnie's twelve and a little slow and that thought in mind she got the sniper in her sights and aim for the head so he wouldn't come back he didn't deserve to even be the walking dead he is gonna just be dead. She had him and she seen him slam back and fall and Chad didn't know. One down two to go Morgan thought to herself thinking of Donnie and the others she was protecting . she looked down and seen the other slime bag behind the livestock so she turned her rifle and got him in her sights and shot him then shot again. Chad must of heard him fall or call out since her first shot hit his shoulder then his forehead. She looked to see Chad running to his car. Dammit he got away.

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