Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy

Start from the beginning

"you okay mate?" Calum asked me placing his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head, "no. Why does she keep doing this to me?" I asked putting my hands over my face, starting to cry. He squeezed my shoulder, " I don't know Luke but I had to tell you. I'm sorry but you had the right to know" he says. I stood up, I wiped my eyes. "alright, well thanks. I'll see you later I have something to do" I say walking over to his front door. "i'm sorry Luke" Calum said. "yeah well I'm sorry I ever thought of getting back with the slut" I said opening the door and walking out.

I walked down the driveway and down the street, I took my phone out of my pocket, and clicked onto my contacts not having a password. I clicked onto Amy's name. I clicked messaged, I then typed.

To Amy.

Meet me at the beach?

From Amy

Sure, meet you there in 10 minutes. Everything ok?

Is everything ok? No everything is not fucking ok you slept with Michael. I thought to myself, I didn't answer I placed my phone back into my pocket and walked to the beach to meet her.

*At the beach*

Luke's POV continued.

I walked along the sand walking towards yn who was sat on the sand by the sea. I walked over to her, she noticed me after a while and stood up, as soon as I got to her she hugged me. I didn't hug her back, she pulled away and frowned. "what's wrong Luke? " she asked concerned.

I sat down on the sand and looked at the sea, amy sat down next to me. "I know" I say. "know what?" she asked me. "don't play dumb amy. I know about what you did last night" I say coldy. "h-how?" she asked. I turned and looked at her she was looking at me. "is that all you care about how I know? Not that I know and wondered how I'm feeling right now" I raised my voice.

"no of course not, how are you feeling?" she asked me, I rolled my eyes. "you don't care" I spat. "i do I care about you luke-" "no if you cared about me you wouldn't of slept with Michael. He's my friend!" I said to her. "it was a mistake we were both drunk!" she said raising her voice. "drunk or not that's no excuse. How do you think i'm feeling about it? It's happened twice to me now. I finally got over what you did with Calum. We were that close to getting back together, you even said if I wanted you back I had to work for it but then you go and sleep with another of my bestfriends. Why do you keep doing this to me? Do you get a satisfaction out of seeing me hurt amy?" I ask her while my eyes teared up.

She shook her head, "of course I don't. You have to believe me it was a mistake it didn't mean anything to me. Not like you, Luke you mean everything to me" she says touching my arm. I sighed. "I can't keep doing this." I say removing her arm. "what do you mean? " she asks me. "I can't do it anymore" I say standing up. "I can't keep doing this. I'm sorry" I say looking at her. "luke please we can sort this, I'll do anything just to make this right" she said crying. "anything? " I asked. She nodded. "yes anything"

"right well I want you to pack up some things and leave town" I say demandingly. She raised her eyebrow at me. "luke what are you saying? " she asks me. "you said you would do anything to make this right, right well I want you to do what I just said" I say.

Amy's Pov.

I know what I did was bad but what he is asking me to do that's even worse.

"yeah anything apart from that you can't make me fucking leave town luke" I spat. "true but if I meant something to you, you would leave" he says coldly. "you can't blackmail me with my fucking feelings Luke" I yelled. "yes I can, so your going to do it." "no I'm not!" I say crossing my arms. "i'm not doing that this is where I live, I'm not leaving just because of you-" " you slept with two of my bestfriends you could atleast leave while I deal with it!" he yelled.

"i'm not leaving, you can deal with it how you fucking like Luke. It was a mistake, we all make them and if you think for one fucking second I'm leaving town because your trying to make me you've got another thing coming luke" I say grabbing my things and standing up. "fine, but stay away from all of us." he said harshly. "what? They're my friends too" "they were my friends first and they would side with me every fucking time. So I dont want you coming anywhere near any of us" he said looking at me.

"you can't do that. That's not fair!" I yelled hitting his chest while crying. "you should of thought about that before sleeping with another one of my bestfriends. All you need is to sleep with Ashton and then you've fucked them all. Why did I have to fall in love with the whore!" he spat, I smacked him around the face. His eyes teared up.

"your unbelievable Luke. You've really turned into a horrible bastard. You don't want me around you or anyone else fine but try explaining to them when they realise why i'm not around anymore because I'm done and you won't see me anymore" I say before walking away from him, leaving him on the beach.

I eventually got back into my house, yelled for my mum or dad they weren't in. I ran upstairs and into my room and grabbed my duffel bag before walking to closet and grabbing most of my clothes before folding them and placing them into my bag. I got some pyjamas, underwear and necessary items into my bag, the stuff I would need. I zipped up my bag, grabbed my purse and stuffed it into my shorts pockets. Picking up my cars keys, I grabbed my bag and flung the strap over my shoulder and ran down the stairs and out the front door, it closing behind me.

I unlocked my car, opened the door and thee my bag onto the back seat. I closed the door, put my key into the ignition and put on my seatbelt. I turned the key then reversed put of my driveway and started driving.

Luke wanted me gone then so be it, I wasn't going to go but seeing as he didn't want me to see or be around 'his' friends anymore, leaving was the best thing for me to do.

I carried on driving soon enough I saw a sign. "your now leaving Sydney australia", I wiped my eye with my sleeve before putting my hand back onto the steering wheel and stepping on the gas.

Try explaining to everyone Luke why i'm not here anymore' I thought to myself as I continued to drive.

*when Sammy comes back to Australia. *

Sammy's POV.

Me and Connor arrived back to Michael's house, we let ourselves in and it was quiet.

"where is everyone?" he asked me. We left our suitcases at the door and walked onto the living room to see everyone apart from Amy was sat in there. "what's going on?" I ask breaking the awkward silence. They all looked at me. "hey sammy!" "sammy!" "your back, hopefully you can sort this mess" Hailee said while hugging me, I hugged her back then pulled away. "what mess?" I ask looking at everyone.

"ask Luke because of him, Amy's gone again." Calum spat at him. I looked at Luke, "luke what have you done?" I asked him. "me. I didn't do anything it's what she and Michael did" he said looking at Michael with disgust. "bullshit and you know it. Your the reason she left. You told her not to talk or be around us anymore so she's left. And her phone won't even ring out. She's gone and it's because of you" Michael yelled at him.

Well welcome home Sammy!, I thought to myself.

An. So here's my part, took me a while to write this but stay tuned for Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings to write next.

Will anyone be able to get in touch with Amy especially now as her phone won't ring out? What has she done to it? Let's hope she hasn't done anything stupid.

How will sammy react when she finds out what's really happened? How will Ashton react when he finds out Sammy is with Brad?

I wonder what happen, Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings might know!

-Amy, @Imaginethosevamps.

Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Sequel To Summertime Sadness) *Collaboration*Where stories live. Discover now