"Because my Sensei doesn't know any other approach." Zero says, and receives a deadly glare which doesn't faze him. 

"What I want to know is where the hell you learned to kick like that?! See this bruise?! This should have healed by now." I whistle at the big bruise on his shin. That's exactly where I kicked him. I did go full force, so what did he expect?

"You shouldn't have snuck up on me. That sir is what society calls a reflex." I tell him being a smart ass, and I get a thump to the forehead for it. "Ow! Abuse!" I yell out at him. He sighs, and sits back down.

"Also there's the fact that because of these two being here someone's found you." I look at him confused.

"Huh? Me? How do I fit into all of this? I'm just ordinary me, never involved in this kind of world. Actually, I didn't even realize this existed." I ramble to him. He sighs, and pulls out a cigarette from his pant pocket. I frown, and take it away.

"No smoking allowed in my house. Take it outside if you wanna smoke." He mumbles something, and heads out. Plucking the cigarette out of my hand.

"I never knew Yagari-sensei could be so obedient." Zero says with a light smirk. I just look over at him. I'm not sure what to say to that. Then again, this isn't his house, so I'm glad he has some respect for that.

"Do you guys know what he meant with all that weird talk about someone finding me?" I question them. They both shake their heads, but for some reason I feel like they do know, and won't tell me. I'm starting to get the feeling that meeting them wasn't just a coincidence. Like I said before, my intuition is usually never wrong. The problem is, that I never listen to it until it's too late.

"I'm going to find out eventually. So you guys had better tell me." I tell them sternly. They stay silent, and sit there awkwardly. "Is it that bad? Are you guys going to wait until it's too late to tell me?" That gets their attention. I don't know where that confidence came from, but I kinda like it. I mean seriously. I sound real cool! Well at least in my terms.

"I'm not really sure, but I know it's vampires that are after you. Our meeting was definitely coincidental, according to Sensei, your existence was not unknown to the vampires." Zero finally tells me.

"Vampires? Me? Why me? I mean I'm nothing special to the vampire world. I don't think I've ever done anything to get involved with vampires until now that is." I tell them truthfully. I'm not the smartest, the prettiest, or the most popular. So I have no idea how I fit in to the plans of vampires. I was born and raised an ordinary human after all. Even my family was raised in a normal human home and in fact they always called things like the supernatural bullshit. Except you know, the big daddy in the sky.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Kaname tells me. I sit on the couch across from them, and let all of this sudden information sink in properly. I also try to figure out why a vampire would need me. If only someone had answers for me.

"Because of the blood that flows through your veins. As well as the unique intelligence that has been passed on in your bloodline, even if you were never taught it yourself. It is something ingrained in your blood without you even being aware. It's an instinct at this point." I look over at Mr. Yagari, who stands by the door.

"Unique intelligence? What kind of intelligence or instinct do I have that makes me unique?" I question completely and utterly confused. Also, what does that even mean?! That's a terrible way to phrase it!

"You are the first ever vampire hunter born to a non-hunter family. You are born with the natural intelligence of vampires and vampire hunters alike. Your intuition always know what was fact and what was fiction. Also just like a man I know, Kaien Cross, you give off the feel of a vampire." What on earth do I say to all of this?! I guess, some things makes sense after this, but they also don't.

"Is that possible?" I question him once I find my voice.

"I didn't think so, but you're the proof. I can only assume you were a twin and devoured them in the womb." I nod my head, and look at my hands. They look so different now. Also, gross. . . I was a cannibal.

"So, who's after me?" I question.

"The Vampire Senate." He tells me. Wow even vampires have some sort of political system. Sounds more interesting than the one humans have.

"Why me? Why not this Kaien Cross guy? Don't tell me I'm even more different than him?" Mr. Yagari nods his head. I sit there, waiting for him to tell me. Yet, the silence continues. "What is it?" I question him. My heart rate increases at the thought of that answer.

"You have strange mutations going on in you all at once. The Hunter's Association has been studying your blood since the day you were born before you disappeared from our data bases when your family moved. They found interesting information like that, and the fact that if you were ever bitten by a pureblood you'd become one yourself. Or if you were ever to have a child they would be born a pureblood." He tells me. The weight of that information completely fills the living room.

I'd always thought my life was normal even though I was the oddity in this normalcy. Yet all of a sudden I meet these two nekos, I meet this vampire hunter, and then I find out this stuff about me. I wasn't born normal. Now a lot of things make sense. Why people were afraid to approach me. Everything from my love of darkness to just my simple quirks and mannerisms.

"Why does the Vampire Senate want me?" I finally question.

"To use you as a bargaining tool for the purebloods. Any pureblood would kill to have someone like you on their side. Especially with their small numbers." I notice Mr. Yagari's eye travels towards the left. I look to where he looks. He looks directly at Kaname. That's right. I forgot. He's a pureblood, but would he really be like that?

"I might." Kaname says smiling coldly. It kind of scares me. Yet, it doesn't feel honest. He's just saying what Yagari wants him to say. I don't want to believe Kaname is using me.

"And them? Why are they like that?" I question realizing that Mr. Yagari never got to that.

"That is still a mystery. One morning I woke up like this, and with him in a dark room. A masked person put us in a box, and shipped us off. No explanation. But it seems we didn't reach our destination since we are here now." Kaname explains.

So then that means I have a lot of figuring out to do. This stuff is freaking me out, but there's no way I'm going to stay curious. I have to figure out all of this weirdness before it gets anyone hurt.

"I need a moment to process all of this. Excuse me. . ." I get off the couch and take the front door since Mr. Yagari is blocking the kitchen where the back exit is at.

I close the two doors behind me and sit down on the stone steps, staring at the huge tree across the sidewalk.

"I'm a human and yet was born with the presence of a vampire. With a genetic mutation that could change my biology completely if I'm infected by pureblood blood." Resting my elbows on my knees and my chin on my palms, I try to let that sink in. I should be more shocked about this. Guess it hasn't set in yet. Or I'm in denial. I shouldn't be, why would they lie about this? I mean for the longest time, I'd never seen a neko or a vampire in person. At least I don't think I had.

So does that mean one of my parents had a parent in the hunter or vampire lineage? I can't be the only anomaly. I mean how else could the hunters have known about my existence in this vast world?

If only my grandparents were alive. Well, I have a grandma, but she's not in this country and suffers from Alzheimer's. So that wouldn't be a credible source.

Once again I sigh and go in. Maybe Mr. Yagari can enlighten me on my family lineage. If he can.

Vampire Knight: My Vampire NekosWhere stories live. Discover now