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'Well honey, this is our official new home. And I promise this time...there will be no more moving until you at least get to college," my mom smiled while opening the doors to our pretty new house. The outside had a wrap around deck with a swing chair which I admit looked very pretty. It was colored a nice peachy fresh color...not too cliché. "Can I pick my own room at least?", I asked while entering the new doorway while holding my oversized cardboard box. I bet people here hire limos to move their house things. "Of course", my mom smiled while putting down her kitchen box on the marble counter top. The house smelt of cherry blossoms and paint. A weird mixture...something I hopefully wouldn't have t take too long to get used too. I ran upstairs and looked through the rooms. I looked in the master bedroom, it had sheer linen curtains and a huge bed that looked as if it was sent from heaven, it had it's own bathroom with a hottub and steam room...I am going to be using that very often...sorry mom. 

I knew that bedroom was off limits since my mom clearly said on the drive up here that she wanted the master that left 3 other rooms for me to choose from. I decided to choose the bedroom with the most sunlight and a window seat. It didn't have its own bathroom...but I was gigantic...way bigger than I ever had. I put all my packed stuff on my new bed. I looked outside my huge window. I got a view of the huge backyard and pool. If my ex boyfriend Justin was here, he would've wanted to jump from my window into the pool. Justin and I dated for over 2 years...he had the biggest soft spot in his heart. We had to break-up because we didn't think the distance would work out that well. He had brownish blonde hair with green eyes that I would stare into all the time while we sat on my old porch and talked about how we never wanted to separate and we used to talk about his football games...I miss him.. 

"Claire, you should definitely come visit this weekend! Like seriously, this house is huge and we could definitely throw a huge party", my older sister Samantha...who we call Sam said while on the phone. Claire and Samantha have a weird type of logic that whenever you move you just "have" to throw the biggest party ever...with a bunch of booze craving teens. Don't ask me why, but that's what she likes to do. It's not even legal and my mom and dad do not even know about it.  

"Can I share a room with you?", My little sister Sophie asked while walking her imaginary dog on a belt...for a leash. "Not this time Sophie. I would love to have your company, but I want my own space this time. But on the good and Beverly will have more space and I know Beverly would love to run around the room without me stepping on his tail all the time", I said trying to convince Sophie to use the last room as her own instead of sharing with me. And yes...if you're wondering why all of our names start with an 'S' it's because my parents thought it would be doesn't bother me...but I know that if someone with a lisp watches us...that would be the most annoying thing ever. No offense to lisp people. :) 

"Would you prefer that Beverly?", Sophie asked her imaginary pooch. "Beverly likes the idea and she said that she would love to avoid your feet. Bye Spenc", Sophie added while running to her bedroom. I started unpacking all my things and sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. I decided to give Justin a ring...even though he's my ex...he was a best friend before we ever dated. 


"Hey Justin" 

"Oh hey Spenc, how's the new house?" 

"It's actually for the first time really elephant would be comfortable in here" 


"Okay...maybe I exaggerated the elephant part, but the house really is roomy" 

"That's awesome! Everyone here misses you" 

"Believe me, I miss you guys more" 

"You seriously have everything you could possibly want there" 

"Not really...everyone here I noticed is really snobby" 

"Well I would think so. You do realize where you are living, right?" 

"hah yeah I know where I'm living obviously, but it's just annoying" 

"I agree. But it's something you can get used to" 

"Hopefully. Did you guys start volleyball in gym yet?" 

"Yeah, we started last Friday" 

"Aw darn! I always miss my favorite sport...I'm soo nervous to start school on Monday!" 

"Calm down, you're going to be fine!" 

"But what if they don't like me?!" 

"Just relax. At least one person will like you" 

"Oh much" 

"Sorry, I'm not really good with this stuff" 

"Yeah, I can see that" 

"Well Spenc, I'm sorry, but I got to go. Tasha needs me" 


"Yeah Tasha" 

"Alright bye" 

"Bye and goodluck"

I hung up and sat on my bed.

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